So Holly and Mitch are in St. George for the weekend and I am dog sitting their two miniature American Eskimos. Jake and Cezar. It is the first time I have been alone all night in a house. I wouldn't be doing this unless I knew Jake. Jake will kill anything that intrudes into the house. He is a very protective dog and I have no problem with him protecting me. Not to mention Mitch showed me how to use his gun, so I feel pretty safe.
So far I got here from work early. It's been raining all afternoon. I took a lovely shower and left the boys outside for fifteen minutes. Then I made tomato soup while they ate their dinner, and now we are enjoying some tv. It is truly interesting so far. They are cute monkeys. This morning Cezar cuddled, and now Jake is desperate for attention. Now we will have a fun night and tomorrow we are going to have more fun.
Friday, September 16, 2011
Monday, September 5, 2011
Flavors of Fall
What a great season we are coming to! Everything about Fall is so wonderful. The crisp smell, the canning, the longer nights, the fresh local food, the recipes, and PEACHES!!! Oh how I adore peaches :) they are an absolute favorite of mine. Last year I really developed a taste for them and my own mother is trying to bridle my crave. Aren't mothers supposed to rejoice when their child wants to pig out on healthy food rather then processed junk? That's what I thought! But no! Sheesh!
So last week my wonderful mummy bought two boxes of peaches from a stand she found last year. They have the BEST peaches EVER! The variety is called Coral Star and they are positively massive and delicious. Usually large fruits or vegetables lose flavor when they get large, but not these beauties. One peach is bigger than my hand (granted I have itty bitty hands, but still)!
I ate three peaches yesterday and had Mom bring me one for lunch today. I wanted two for lunch, but she said no to that. Ah well! Since today is Labor Day the banks a closed. That bugged me a little. I wanted to cash my check, but I guess I'll have to wait until tomorrow. So I asked my mum if she would give me a "peach loan" until tomorrow. I bought my own box of peaches!! Yay me! And yes, I can eat that many. Holly said that it would gives me the squirts, and so I told her at least then I would know my body isn't backed up ^^
Oh Fall is a delightful season, but so a the other seasons. I love all four of them. I am so grateful to live in Utah where I get hot summers and cold winters. I get snow, and I get sunburns. Utah is so unpredictable that I love it! Since I love every season I get to be even happier all the time. My momma says that people who only like one season aren't nearly as happy as they are satisfied with only 1/4 of the year. I think she's right. We should all learn to love and appreciate the seasons and what they bring.
[what do you love about fall?]
So last week my wonderful mummy bought two boxes of peaches from a stand she found last year. They have the BEST peaches EVER! The variety is called Coral Star and they are positively massive and delicious. Usually large fruits or vegetables lose flavor when they get large, but not these beauties. One peach is bigger than my hand (granted I have itty bitty hands, but still)!
I ate three peaches yesterday and had Mom bring me one for lunch today. I wanted two for lunch, but she said no to that. Ah well! Since today is Labor Day the banks a closed. That bugged me a little. I wanted to cash my check, but I guess I'll have to wait until tomorrow. So I asked my mum if she would give me a "peach loan" until tomorrow. I bought my own box of peaches!! Yay me! And yes, I can eat that many. Holly said that it would gives me the squirts, and so I told her at least then I would know my body isn't backed up ^^
Oh Fall is a delightful season, but so a the other seasons. I love all four of them. I am so grateful to live in Utah where I get hot summers and cold winters. I get snow, and I get sunburns. Utah is so unpredictable that I love it! Since I love every season I get to be even happier all the time. My momma says that people who only like one season aren't nearly as happy as they are satisfied with only 1/4 of the year. I think she's right. We should all learn to love and appreciate the seasons and what they bring.
[what do you love about fall?]
Sunday, August 28, 2011
An Attitude of Gratitude
This past week has been probably the most interesting of my summer so far. As things have happened I've had to take a step back and I realized that even though some of the less-then-lovely things were unpleasant, I still needed to acknowledge a thankfulness towards them. So many people in our world hardly ever are grateful for even the good things in life. Whether or not you see the glass as half full or half empty is completely unrelevant to gratitude. When you think about gratitude you automatically think of the good things in your life that you express thankfulness for. For Americans we have a holiday set specifically aside just for giving thanks.
Being grateful is not just about the good things, but the bad as well. In my opinion one of the greatest sins is ingratitude. If we were grateful for all things, even if they are seemingly not in our favor, then we would have a more humble attitude and we would be able to help others out because we could acknowledge that their situation is worse then ours and we'd want to help them.
So for this past week I want to express my gratitude for all the good that happened and everything that didn't seem to be working in my favor.
My poor cat Desert who is nine years old (I have had him half of my life) had some health complications and I was afraid I was going to lose him.
-thank you for emergency vet clinics
-thank you for all the time I've been able to spend with him
-thank you for my caring family
-thank you for his steady improvement the last couple days
Friday I went to UVU with my dear friend Sara so we could figure out our books, finances, and where our classes were. For the past couple months I was under the impression I was awarded a grant from FAFSA only to find out it was an unsubsidized loan. So I'm not going to school this semester.
-thank you for all the stress I won't have with grades, scraping for money, and driving in the snow
-thank you for letting me cancel the loan so easily and drop my classes without a hitch
-thank you for the shady parking and the very little wait
-thank you for being around for the next semester so that I will be able to go
Yesterday I went in to work for a couple hours to help out and then came out to Pleasant Grove to be with my sister since her husband is backpacking with some buddies.
-thank you for air conditioned cars
-thank you for jalepano cheetos
-thank you for Holly and her sweet doggies
-thank you for her amazing king bed
It was a pretty crazy week, but I have been able to survive and I got some perspective. We can all use some perspective in our lives. I'm upset I can't attend school this fall but the relief that came was a blessing by itself. I was terrified I'd have to say goodbye to my cat this week, but he is on the mend thanks to the dedication of my family and a family friend. I normally wouldn't have even had so much cuddle time with him before.
Whether you make lemonade with the lemons life gives you is up to you. Whether or not you do you should still be grateful for those lemons as it means that God is just going on ahead and trying to refine you to the best you can be.
[What are you grateful for?]
Being grateful is not just about the good things, but the bad as well. In my opinion one of the greatest sins is ingratitude. If we were grateful for all things, even if they are seemingly not in our favor, then we would have a more humble attitude and we would be able to help others out because we could acknowledge that their situation is worse then ours and we'd want to help them.
So for this past week I want to express my gratitude for all the good that happened and everything that didn't seem to be working in my favor.
My poor cat Desert who is nine years old (I have had him half of my life) had some health complications and I was afraid I was going to lose him.
-thank you for emergency vet clinics
-thank you for all the time I've been able to spend with him
-thank you for my caring family
-thank you for his steady improvement the last couple days
Friday I went to UVU with my dear friend Sara so we could figure out our books, finances, and where our classes were. For the past couple months I was under the impression I was awarded a grant from FAFSA only to find out it was an unsubsidized loan. So I'm not going to school this semester.
-thank you for all the stress I won't have with grades, scraping for money, and driving in the snow
-thank you for letting me cancel the loan so easily and drop my classes without a hitch
-thank you for the shady parking and the very little wait
-thank you for being around for the next semester so that I will be able to go
Yesterday I went in to work for a couple hours to help out and then came out to Pleasant Grove to be with my sister since her husband is backpacking with some buddies.
-thank you for air conditioned cars
-thank you for jalepano cheetos
-thank you for Holly and her sweet doggies
-thank you for her amazing king bed
It was a pretty crazy week, but I have been able to survive and I got some perspective. We can all use some perspective in our lives. I'm upset I can't attend school this fall but the relief that came was a blessing by itself. I was terrified I'd have to say goodbye to my cat this week, but he is on the mend thanks to the dedication of my family and a family friend. I normally wouldn't have even had so much cuddle time with him before.
Whether you make lemonade with the lemons life gives you is up to you. Whether or not you do you should still be grateful for those lemons as it means that God is just going on ahead and trying to refine you to the best you can be.
[What are you grateful for?]
Monday, August 22, 2011
O to be Wise!
Two Wednesdays ago I got my wisdom teeth out. This was something I had been dreading since I was ten or eleven. Every time I went to the dentist they said I needed to get my wisdom teeth out that summer. We couldn't really afford it because we didn't have the insurance to cover it and without insurance it can be pretty expensive. My wisdom teeth never bothered me, at least that I could tell.
I went in Wednesday morning feeling more nervous about the IV I'd get then anything else. I don't particlarly like having needles stuck in me. It isn't the pain that I dread, but the thought that there isnsomething in my body creating a path so they can put stuff in my blood. We were waiting almost forty minutes before they took me back. Once in the room they were talking to me and my mom. He said that they were going to use the IVfor sedation (which is what I wanted) and that after the IV I wouldn't remember anything. They gave me laughing gave and strapped my arms to the chair before sticking the needle in.
After that my mom left and I did start to go out of it, but then something happened. I woke up! that was another thing I was afraid of, but everyone says that is silly since people don't usually wakeup with sedation. Well I did! I could feel the pain as they were taking out my bottom right tooth and I started to hyperventilate and cry. I asked for my mom and they finally got her.
Normally they don't let people back there because it is a gruesome surgery, but I needed my mommy! They numbed me up some more and kept working. My mom asked if i was okay. The dentist assured her that I was out of it and wouldn't remember anything anyway after the sedation wore off. Liar! I watched them with their nasty tools and bloody fingers. They told me I needed to breathe through my nose, but how could I when I'd choke on the blood in my mouth?
All in all it wasn't what I expected. He gave me a prescription for percocet and ibuprofen. I was in a lot of pain and was lucky enough to discover that my body really can't handle percocet. I suppose that is a good thing though as I won't really have to worry about getting addicted to it. When took it it did something horribly unpleasant to my body. I had to lie down and there wasn't any desire to do anything but breathe, and I barely wanted to do that.
All in all I wasn't expecting how all of that panned out. Lots of people get it off easy, but I was aware for it. I guess that's a good thing too. My dad called it hyperconsciousness or something like that.
Have you ever had an experience that was different from what you expected?
I went in Wednesday morning feeling more nervous about the IV I'd get then anything else. I don't particlarly like having needles stuck in me. It isn't the pain that I dread, but the thought that there isnsomething in my body creating a path so they can put stuff in my blood. We were waiting almost forty minutes before they took me back. Once in the room they were talking to me and my mom. He said that they were going to use the IVfor sedation (which is what I wanted) and that after the IV I wouldn't remember anything. They gave me laughing gave and strapped my arms to the chair before sticking the needle in.
After that my mom left and I did start to go out of it, but then something happened. I woke up! that was another thing I was afraid of, but everyone says that is silly since people don't usually wakeup with sedation. Well I did! I could feel the pain as they were taking out my bottom right tooth and I started to hyperventilate and cry. I asked for my mom and they finally got her.
Normally they don't let people back there because it is a gruesome surgery, but I needed my mommy! They numbed me up some more and kept working. My mom asked if i was okay. The dentist assured her that I was out of it and wouldn't remember anything anyway after the sedation wore off. Liar! I watched them with their nasty tools and bloody fingers. They told me I needed to breathe through my nose, but how could I when I'd choke on the blood in my mouth?
All in all it wasn't what I expected. He gave me a prescription for percocet and ibuprofen. I was in a lot of pain and was lucky enough to discover that my body really can't handle percocet. I suppose that is a good thing though as I won't really have to worry about getting addicted to it. When took it it did something horribly unpleasant to my body. I had to lie down and there wasn't any desire to do anything but breathe, and I barely wanted to do that.
All in all I wasn't expecting how all of that panned out. Lots of people get it off easy, but I was aware for it. I guess that's a good thing too. My dad called it hyperconsciousness or something like that.
Have you ever had an experience that was different from what you expected?
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Tip of the Iceberg
It's 3:43...3:44 in the morning and I'm awake. Why? Probably because I spent most of the day sleeping on my way home from a short vacation with my family up in Yellowstone National Park. It was definitely a much needed vacation, but at the same time it seems like it was too much even though we left Thursday and got back Saturday.
The reason I'm awake, or at least one of them, is simply because I've been contemplating life some. Both my older sisters have been bugging me about posting because I haven't the past couple months. My excuse? Not enough time, but the real reason was the hassle. I absolutely love reading my older sister's blog as it helps to keep me updated on her life. I love how she toys around with the tools and settings and always has a picture up there. I wanted to do something of the same, but I realized this morning (in the ridiculous hour) that I'm not her. Pictures are Holly's thing, and for me, I have my words. I'm sorry for all you visual folks, but until posting pictures is less of a chore for me I'm just going to give you my words.
Now back to my contemplation of life. The past month I have been out of commission, or it's coming up on a month. I was very under the weather with my dizziness and ended up missing a whole week of work. I felt guilty about that, but this is the right time as they needed to cut back hours anyway with the stupid road construction. Basically I was surviving.
Last week or so ago I was going to a friends house because I was sick of being at home the whole time. W were having a "Leggo my Eggo" party. Before I was going I was texting my friend. He asked how I was doing and I told him I was surviving. He texted back "surviving? You mean you aren't thriving?" what a way to put it! I wasn't thriving, in fact I was in a rut.
Isn't life about moving up? Isn't it about caring for others and putting thoughts of yourself aside and going forward to make the world a better place and grasp each opportunity that comes your way?
Last Wednesday I also got my Wisdom teeth out, double whammy! I also discovered that the sedation didn't work on me and my body does not like percocet. Though I'll save that interesting experience for an entirely different time.
Remember being a kid and having your friends and grown-ups ask you what you want to be when you grow up? We all gave typical answers; fireman, veterinarian, doctor, etc. Well for me I want to be a teacher and I'm at the stage in my life where I get to make those decisions and go forward to become that. Though I'm a little upset because not a single person has asked me why I want to be a teacher.
"Savannah, why do you want to be a teacher?"
Let me tell you.
I want to be a teacher because I am ready to make a difference in the world. I have thought about other career options and nothing even came close to how I wanted to spend the rest of my life. I want to be in a job that I love and that I'm good at.
I was surprised one night when I was out with my friends after an FHE activity. My sweet friend Amity looked at me and asked if I was going to be a teacher. I don't recall ever mentioning it to her. She said that I would be really good at it, and I think she is right.
Many people, both great and not-so-great have all said that our future rests on our children. They are the ones in fifty years making the decision to go to war, to raise the gas price, to kill innocent civilians in other countries, and to make peace with each other. Don't you think our biggest investment should be in them rather then us in the now? Well that's my belief. If I can help a seven or eight year old understand what is morally right and wrong and to never give up on your beliefs, then isn't that worth my time?
Kids are smart and we hardly ever give them credit. They observe and understand so much more than we can ever know. We need to support them and believe in them if we ever hope to see our world become a better place. It all starts with one child.
The road ahead of me is scary and big. I have to be a grown up now. I don't like change and I don't like pain, but I've decided I can do this for them, the children, and not for me. As long as I know what I need to do for them, then I believe I can do anything to make it happen.
Do you know what you're supposed to do in your life? I do, or at least this is what I need to be doing now. It might change in a year, or five years, or it could change tomorrow. Whatever happens I put my faith in God; where do you put yours?
Are you just surviving? Well figure out what you feel you need to do, and then let yourself thrive!
It's 4:06 om the morning. I have missed church for a month. I will not miss tomorrow. So I better get some sleep if I plan to focus :) look for more posts. Now that I understand pictures just aren't my thing I'll be more regular and very wordy, so please bear with me!!
The reason I'm awake, or at least one of them, is simply because I've been contemplating life some. Both my older sisters have been bugging me about posting because I haven't the past couple months. My excuse? Not enough time, but the real reason was the hassle. I absolutely love reading my older sister's blog as it helps to keep me updated on her life. I love how she toys around with the tools and settings and always has a picture up there. I wanted to do something of the same, but I realized this morning (in the ridiculous hour) that I'm not her. Pictures are Holly's thing, and for me, I have my words. I'm sorry for all you visual folks, but until posting pictures is less of a chore for me I'm just going to give you my words.
Now back to my contemplation of life. The past month I have been out of commission, or it's coming up on a month. I was very under the weather with my dizziness and ended up missing a whole week of work. I felt guilty about that, but this is the right time as they needed to cut back hours anyway with the stupid road construction. Basically I was surviving.
Last week or so ago I was going to a friends house because I was sick of being at home the whole time. W were having a "Leggo my Eggo" party. Before I was going I was texting my friend. He asked how I was doing and I told him I was surviving. He texted back "surviving? You mean you aren't thriving?" what a way to put it! I wasn't thriving, in fact I was in a rut.
Isn't life about moving up? Isn't it about caring for others and putting thoughts of yourself aside and going forward to make the world a better place and grasp each opportunity that comes your way?
Last Wednesday I also got my Wisdom teeth out, double whammy! I also discovered that the sedation didn't work on me and my body does not like percocet. Though I'll save that interesting experience for an entirely different time.
Remember being a kid and having your friends and grown-ups ask you what you want to be when you grow up? We all gave typical answers; fireman, veterinarian, doctor, etc. Well for me I want to be a teacher and I'm at the stage in my life where I get to make those decisions and go forward to become that. Though I'm a little upset because not a single person has asked me why I want to be a teacher.
"Savannah, why do you want to be a teacher?"
Let me tell you.
I want to be a teacher because I am ready to make a difference in the world. I have thought about other career options and nothing even came close to how I wanted to spend the rest of my life. I want to be in a job that I love and that I'm good at.
I was surprised one night when I was out with my friends after an FHE activity. My sweet friend Amity looked at me and asked if I was going to be a teacher. I don't recall ever mentioning it to her. She said that I would be really good at it, and I think she is right.
Many people, both great and not-so-great have all said that our future rests on our children. They are the ones in fifty years making the decision to go to war, to raise the gas price, to kill innocent civilians in other countries, and to make peace with each other. Don't you think our biggest investment should be in them rather then us in the now? Well that's my belief. If I can help a seven or eight year old understand what is morally right and wrong and to never give up on your beliefs, then isn't that worth my time?
Kids are smart and we hardly ever give them credit. They observe and understand so much more than we can ever know. We need to support them and believe in them if we ever hope to see our world become a better place. It all starts with one child.
The road ahead of me is scary and big. I have to be a grown up now. I don't like change and I don't like pain, but I've decided I can do this for them, the children, and not for me. As long as I know what I need to do for them, then I believe I can do anything to make it happen.
Do you know what you're supposed to do in your life? I do, or at least this is what I need to be doing now. It might change in a year, or five years, or it could change tomorrow. Whatever happens I put my faith in God; where do you put yours?
Are you just surviving? Well figure out what you feel you need to do, and then let yourself thrive!
It's 4:06 om the morning. I have missed church for a month. I will not miss tomorrow. So I better get some sleep if I plan to focus :) look for more posts. Now that I understand pictures just aren't my thing I'll be more regular and very wordy, so please bear with me!!
Friday, May 27, 2011
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Quotables from the little mouth
Ah what a fine RAINY day...again. I do love the rain, and I do love the cold. I would rather have it be 75% rainy and 25% sunny, but so far it's been about 98.3% rainy and only 1.7% sunny. Really? Ah well, I do like it. I only have THREE DAYS LEFT OF SCHOOL EVER!!! It's a little strange and it hasn't quite sunk in yet.
Yesterday my mom and I went to a neighbor's house (she runs an amazing prom dress rental shop) to try on dresses. I found an AMAZING pink one. My first choice was to long and it could be pinned up. I really loved that one. Though this one is PERFECT! It's the right length, fits me well, is PINK has a beautiful bead design, and has PLENTY of arm movement. I'm so excited to wear it Saturday for the Senior Ball.
Today I had work, and let me tell you, those little kids make my day. Minnie was getting ready for ballet and I was going to take her. I asked her if she was ready and she said no. So she ran screaming through the house (why she did I have no idea) until she located her ballet shoes then ran screaming to the other end of the house for her regular shoes. I couldn't help but laugh. I walked over to her to help her find proper shoes. She put them on. Then I asked if she needed her ballet bag.
"I don't think so," then she looked to the coat hooks on the wall where it's supposed to be and said, "it's not on the hooks, so I'm assuming I don't know where it is." HAHA! What a big sentence for such a little girl. She's absolutely wonderful.
Oh! There was this time several weeks ago where I told her how cute she is and how I tell people about her. She looked at me shocked and said. "Savannah! I don't want you giving my words away!" as if I had done this horrible sin.
Oh Minnie, you make me smile!
Yesterday my mom and I went to a neighbor's house (she runs an amazing prom dress rental shop) to try on dresses. I found an AMAZING pink one. My first choice was to long and it could be pinned up. I really loved that one. Though this one is PERFECT! It's the right length, fits me well, is PINK has a beautiful bead design, and has PLENTY of arm movement. I'm so excited to wear it Saturday for the Senior Ball.
Today I had work, and let me tell you, those little kids make my day. Minnie was getting ready for ballet and I was going to take her. I asked her if she was ready and she said no. So she ran screaming through the house (why she did I have no idea) until she located her ballet shoes then ran screaming to the other end of the house for her regular shoes. I couldn't help but laugh. I walked over to her to help her find proper shoes. She put them on. Then I asked if she needed her ballet bag.
"I don't think so," then she looked to the coat hooks on the wall where it's supposed to be and said, "it's not on the hooks, so I'm assuming I don't know where it is." HAHA! What a big sentence for such a little girl. She's absolutely wonderful.
Oh! There was this time several weeks ago where I told her how cute she is and how I tell people about her. She looked at me shocked and said. "Savannah! I don't want you giving my words away!" as if I had done this horrible sin.
Oh Minnie, you make me smile!
Sunday, May 15, 2011
AH!!!!!!!!!! My cat is hungry, on the porch, so I figured I'd feed him.... guess what he brought me???
I do not like them, not at all! HOW COULD MY CAT DO THIS TO ME??????????
Psh, we'll see about me feeding him now...
REALLY?? I get enough of these at work!
...I have snake killing cats...but really? They had to bring it to me? I can handle birds, spiders, and rodent guts...but NEVER bring me a snake!!!!!!!
Thank you Daddy for taking care of it! You're my hero!
EDIT: IT WAS STILL ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!! My dad said that my cat took out one of its eyes, not to mention it was scared to death. Why oh WHY did my cat have to bring me THAT? Of all things? AND ALIVE!!!!!!!
I do not like them, not at all! HOW COULD MY CAT DO THIS TO ME??????????
Psh, we'll see about me feeding him now...
REALLY?? I get enough of these at work!
...I have snake killing cats...but really? They had to bring it to me? I can handle birds, spiders, and rodent guts...but NEVER bring me a snake!!!!!!!
Thank you Daddy for taking care of it! You're my hero!
EDIT: IT WAS STILL ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!! My dad said that my cat took out one of its eyes, not to mention it was scared to death. Why oh WHY did my cat have to bring me THAT? Of all things? AND ALIVE!!!!!!!
What a time to be alive
Oh my goodness it's been a while! Almost nearly a month! I've been quite busy and haven't felt like posting. Life is exciting right now, though immediately I'm suffering from a horrible cold. I was busy working yesterday at the Garden Center staying on top of things, but the last hour or so I was hit with the makings of a nasty cold... YUCK!!! I went to bed last night around 11 and this morning I woke up at 8 to say goodbye to my Auntie Val. She spent four awesome days with us! Then I went back to bed and slept until noon. I felt bad because my dad went to church all alone. Faith, Hope, and I were all sick (though I think I got the worst of it) and so our wonderful mommy stayed home to take care of us.
It has been crazy this last short while. This week is my very LAST week of HIGH SCHOOL!!! I have to B days and three A days. I can't believe I'm almost to the end! Friday night I went to the Senior Sunset. My school started this tradition last year of having a Senior Sunrise at the beginning of the year, and then a Senior Sunset at the end. It was so much fun being with my friends. The only downside of it was when Jared DROPPED ME!! Haha, poor fellow. He feels so bad about it! I'll never let him live it down :)
Next week I graduate. Can you believe it? I can, and can't. It's so weird. The rest of my life is about to start and I'm not sure what to do about it. I've finally reached the point where I realized I'll be rather sad over the fact that high school will be over. It's strange. I've finally meshed really well with my friends...and it will be over. I hope I can make the best of this week and next! Summer is going to be awesome!!!
I'm also very excited for my graduation present *drumroll*..... iPAD 2!!!! My parents are going to order it Tuesdayish and I CAN'T hardly wait. I've been using my Poppy's as much as he'll let me but I really am eager for my own :D With that I'll be able to post much more easily and conviently WITH pictures!!! I'm so stoked!!!
It has been crazy this last short while. This week is my very LAST week of HIGH SCHOOL!!! I have to B days and three A days. I can't believe I'm almost to the end! Friday night I went to the Senior Sunset. My school started this tradition last year of having a Senior Sunrise at the beginning of the year, and then a Senior Sunset at the end. It was so much fun being with my friends. The only downside of it was when Jared DROPPED ME!! Haha, poor fellow. He feels so bad about it! I'll never let him live it down :)
Next week I graduate. Can you believe it? I can, and can't. It's so weird. The rest of my life is about to start and I'm not sure what to do about it. I've finally reached the point where I realized I'll be rather sad over the fact that high school will be over. It's strange. I've finally meshed really well with my friends...and it will be over. I hope I can make the best of this week and next! Summer is going to be awesome!!!
I'm also very excited for my graduation present *drumroll*..... iPAD 2!!!! My parents are going to order it Tuesdayish and I CAN'T hardly wait. I've been using my Poppy's as much as he'll let me but I really am eager for my own :D With that I'll be able to post much more easily and conviently WITH pictures!!! I'm so stoked!!!
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Been a while
It's been quite a while since I have blogged. I'll admit that I don't really like the hassle of uploading photos right now. So you won't get much right now. Yesterday I went to Xtreme Sports with my brother for my birthday. It was such a blast. This place is a large warehouse type building with several foam pits as well as trampolines to jump into the pits with. There was a large rock wall with a large foam pit beneath it so you could fall backwards from the wall. I could only get half way up before I chickened out. It was so high up! Peter just laughed at me.
I got over my hesitation and finally did a flip!!! The first one Peter MISSED! Ack! Ah well, I was able to do more. It was so much fun jumping into the foam pits. It was exhilarating jumping so high and falling through the air...but getting out of the pits was...the pits! It took so much energy, was exhausting, and not to mention, it took FOREVER! Your momentum pushed you deep into the foam and they pressed in on you like a wall. Peter flipped into the air and then disappeared completely in the foam! It was funny to see him dig his way out.
We then went and had Panda Express for dinner. It was a blast. I love spending time with my brother! He's truly the best:P
I got over my hesitation and finally did a flip!!! The first one Peter MISSED! Ack! Ah well, I was able to do more. It was so much fun jumping into the foam pits. It was exhilarating jumping so high and falling through the air...but getting out of the pits was...the pits! It took so much energy, was exhausting, and not to mention, it took FOREVER! Your momentum pushed you deep into the foam and they pressed in on you like a wall. Peter flipped into the air and then disappeared completely in the foam! It was funny to see him dig his way out.
We then went and had Panda Express for dinner. It was a blast. I love spending time with my brother! He's truly the best:P
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Fabulous Spring Break
This past week has been such a blast. Monday I celebrated my 18th birthday by going to Hop with my sisters and my friend A'Lea. It was a strange movie. I also borrowed River Secrets from A'Lea and read it that afternoon. It was a very good book and I thoroughly enjoyed it. The rest of the week I spent at work. Wednesday I came home from work too tired to eat and ended up taking an hour nap before I ate dinner. I spent Thursday with Holly where we watched TV, ate pizza, and relaxednwith her puppies. Friday I spent at my grandmother's as my grandpa had gone to Salt Lake for a marathon. It was really fun. I swear she was trying to fatten me up with all the food she was giving me.
Yesterday I went to work for four hours even though it was my day off. I've planted so many transplants for Holly. I then came home and started laundry and did my chore. Dad and I then went on a long walk up the canyon before we got ice-cream and picked up Faith and Hope from the swimming pool. It was a blast.
I've got to go now for an appointment. This has all been typed with an iPad. Cool huh? I can't wait to get my own. Thank you Dad for letting me use your iPad!!!
Yesterday I went to work for four hours even though it was my day off. I've planted so many transplants for Holly. I then came home and started laundry and did my chore. Dad and I then went on a long walk up the canyon before we got ice-cream and picked up Faith and Hope from the swimming pool. It was a blast.
I've got to go now for an appointment. This has all been typed with an iPad. Cool huh? I can't wait to get my own. Thank you Dad for letting me use your iPad!!!
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Happy Birthday Eve to Me!
Canst you believe it? I'll be eighteen tomorrow! Oh my goodness! I can hardly believe it myself. Life seems to have just completely exploded lately and I'm lovin' it. Life is truly wonderful. I'm so grateful to my wonderful parents for the examples they have set for me to follow and how they are always pushing me to be my best and do what I want to do. My dad is the most wonderful person to talk to. I love taking walks with him and talking about serious things and life. He's always got a good perspective on things. Thank you Mom for being my mom and taking the effort to be involved in my life. Thank you so much for letting me grow at my own rate and pace and letting me come into my own on my own time without trying to push me ahead. You're such an inspiration with all that you do all the time and I honestly think you're super-woman.
I'm grateful to my siblings for all that they've done for me and all the support they've offered over the years. Thank you Holly for being my best friend and having those silly inside jokes that are really just so stupid...but are somehow hilarious because they're our inside jokes. You are always telling me I can do it. No matter what it is you believe in me and I'm so grateful for that. Thank you ever so much for being there for me and listening to all my woes.
Thank you Peter for being my only brother. Your teasing always makes me smile. You have a wonderful laugh and I'm grateful for your sense of humor. I'm so thankful you've put up with me and listening to me rant and stress over what to do when it comes to boys. I couldn't ask for a better brother. You always make me smile and I love it when you come over Sundays to be with the family when I'm sure you could be somewhere else.
Abby...where to begin? Remember when we were so excited to share a room because we got along so well? Remember when you had those conniving ideas that always got you into trouble? Well I'm going to apologize now for ratting you out! I don't know how often I did, just that sometimes I was the reason you got in trouble. You've always listened to me, especially the same complaints over and over. As annoying as you can be, I'm glad that I have you as a sister. Sometimes your faults are very irritable, but I know I'm not perfect either. I'm glad that we can always bounce back as friends after fighting or shouting at one another.
Faify!! My personality twin!!! ... okay maybe not quite a twin. I'm so glad we understand each other so well. It was rough sharing a room, but I suppose I understand you a little better now. I know you are talented, and I'm more glad than ever that you keep a humble attitude about it. Never forget God has blessed you and give credit to him. I love being your sister, and I'm so glad that your my kid sister so I get to tease on you. You're beautiful, I love you, and I'm glad you decided to come to our family.
Hope. Where to begin? I realized today that your the one thing that tries my patience above all, but at the same time you help me grow. I know there are some times I take you for granted and bully you around. I'm sorry. You're so smart, and even though I hate it when you manipulate people, I give kudos to you for being so successful with it. I'm glad your finally growing up more...and I'm glad I've grown up enough to look passed my impatience to see you as my little sister...and not my baby sister. You'll be so tall soon! I won't hardly be able to call you my little sister any longer!
Today I reflect on my family. They make my life. I love Sundays the most because most of us get together and reminisce some. We've got our problems, we've got our sorrows, but we've got each other. I just want to thank everyone in my life right now. I'm going to be an adult tomorrow, and I know I wouldn't be where I am today if it weren't for the people in my life and all they do and don't do for me.
I love where I live. I love God. Most of all, I love the gospel. Being a Mormon in these awful days is honestly a wonderful blessing. In a world so torn and distraught by war, hate, crime, lies, and selfishness I feel like I've got some refuge. I hope that all people can come to Christ and realize that we don't have to be alone, and we're not always lost to him. I was born in April, on Easter Sunday even nearly eighteen years ago.
I've just realized that my birthday does not belong to me...but to my family and those who care about me.
I'm thankful.
I'm grateful to my siblings for all that they've done for me and all the support they've offered over the years. Thank you Holly for being my best friend and having those silly inside jokes that are really just so stupid...but are somehow hilarious because they're our inside jokes. You are always telling me I can do it. No matter what it is you believe in me and I'm so grateful for that. Thank you ever so much for being there for me and listening to all my woes.
Thank you Peter for being my only brother. Your teasing always makes me smile. You have a wonderful laugh and I'm grateful for your sense of humor. I'm so thankful you've put up with me and listening to me rant and stress over what to do when it comes to boys. I couldn't ask for a better brother. You always make me smile and I love it when you come over Sundays to be with the family when I'm sure you could be somewhere else.
Abby...where to begin? Remember when we were so excited to share a room because we got along so well? Remember when you had those conniving ideas that always got you into trouble? Well I'm going to apologize now for ratting you out! I don't know how often I did, just that sometimes I was the reason you got in trouble. You've always listened to me, especially the same complaints over and over. As annoying as you can be, I'm glad that I have you as a sister. Sometimes your faults are very irritable, but I know I'm not perfect either. I'm glad that we can always bounce back as friends after fighting or shouting at one another.
Faify!! My personality twin!!! ... okay maybe not quite a twin. I'm so glad we understand each other so well. It was rough sharing a room, but I suppose I understand you a little better now. I know you are talented, and I'm more glad than ever that you keep a humble attitude about it. Never forget God has blessed you and give credit to him. I love being your sister, and I'm so glad that your my kid sister so I get to tease on you. You're beautiful, I love you, and I'm glad you decided to come to our family.
Hope. Where to begin? I realized today that your the one thing that tries my patience above all, but at the same time you help me grow. I know there are some times I take you for granted and bully you around. I'm sorry. You're so smart, and even though I hate it when you manipulate people, I give kudos to you for being so successful with it. I'm glad your finally growing up more...and I'm glad I've grown up enough to look passed my impatience to see you as my little sister...and not my baby sister. You'll be so tall soon! I won't hardly be able to call you my little sister any longer!
Today I reflect on my family. They make my life. I love Sundays the most because most of us get together and reminisce some. We've got our problems, we've got our sorrows, but we've got each other. I just want to thank everyone in my life right now. I'm going to be an adult tomorrow, and I know I wouldn't be where I am today if it weren't for the people in my life and all they do and don't do for me.
I love where I live. I love God. Most of all, I love the gospel. Being a Mormon in these awful days is honestly a wonderful blessing. In a world so torn and distraught by war, hate, crime, lies, and selfishness I feel like I've got some refuge. I hope that all people can come to Christ and realize that we don't have to be alone, and we're not always lost to him. I was born in April, on Easter Sunday even nearly eighteen years ago.
I've just realized that my birthday does not belong to me...but to my family and those who care about me.
I'm thankful.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
I love my Job
Have you ever had a job you love? Well I do. I just love going up to clean at the Hale's house. Today I got there and had to guess at my work since Sister Hale was busy with a "body talk". I started a load of laundry and Minnie and Michael were hanging on me. Those two know how to make my day! I saw Minnie looked at her and told her I tell people about her all the time. She asked why. I said because she's so cute and it's fun to tell people. This is what she said...
"I don't want you giving my words away!"
Oh what a sweet little darling!!! I asked her why and we talked a little while before I had to go pick up Faith. She's such a doll and she's hilarious. Michael wanted to go with me to pick up Faith from cleaning the studio. So I buckled him into my car and drove down to the dance studio. While I was driving he was talking, but I couldn't really understand him. Then he was going on and on about these supposed "aliens" that Andrew said would crush their house. I tried telling Michael if he was nice and tried to be friends with the aliens then they wouldn't crush his house. They probably just wanted a friend and were lonely. Of course that wasn't the answer he wanted.
"They're yellow, and red, and white, and orange, and purple, and I'm going to have to hide these shoes. And THEN I'll crush them with my Sunday shoes before they steal them!!!!" he was so passionate about crushing the aliens. It was the best car ride ever. I could see that his infectious attitude helped to put Faith in a better mood as she was being really snippy earlier.
I took Minnie to ballet and Michael wanted to go again. Today was really warm (so nice compared to the six inches of SNOW we had Sunday) but after having the windows down to cool off my car she said it was COLD and really wanted me to put the windows up. Naturally Michael and I didn't like that as we both like having the windows down, but I was nice and put them up. When I dropped her off Michael was excited to put the windows down.
My day was really fun. I mopped their floor and folded two loads of laundry and sent two through the washer and dryer. I really love going to their house. It's always so much fun and the kids are great. I'm truly grateful for my job and how wonderful it is. It's always nice to love your job!!!
"I don't want you giving my words away!"
Oh what a sweet little darling!!! I asked her why and we talked a little while before I had to go pick up Faith. She's such a doll and she's hilarious. Michael wanted to go with me to pick up Faith from cleaning the studio. So I buckled him into my car and drove down to the dance studio. While I was driving he was talking, but I couldn't really understand him. Then he was going on and on about these supposed "aliens" that Andrew said would crush their house. I tried telling Michael if he was nice and tried to be friends with the aliens then they wouldn't crush his house. They probably just wanted a friend and were lonely. Of course that wasn't the answer he wanted.
"They're yellow, and red, and white, and orange, and purple, and I'm going to have to hide these shoes. And THEN I'll crush them with my Sunday shoes before they steal them!!!!" he was so passionate about crushing the aliens. It was the best car ride ever. I could see that his infectious attitude helped to put Faith in a better mood as she was being really snippy earlier.
I took Minnie to ballet and Michael wanted to go again. Today was really warm (so nice compared to the six inches of SNOW we had Sunday) but after having the windows down to cool off my car she said it was COLD and really wanted me to put the windows up. Naturally Michael and I didn't like that as we both like having the windows down, but I was nice and put them up. When I dropped her off Michael was excited to put the windows down.
My day was really fun. I mopped their floor and folded two loads of laundry and sent two through the washer and dryer. I really love going to their house. It's always so much fun and the kids are great. I'm truly grateful for my job and how wonderful it is. It's always nice to love your job!!!
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Of Magic and Sunshine
This week has been busy and full of much exhaustion. My bizarre vertigo has been persistent and evolved as well as obtaining new symptoms. It has been rather miserable some days to the point where I just have to have a nap. Thursday I just couldn't get out of bed for school on time. I couldn't do it! It was as if I hadn't even slept at all the night before. I skipped first period and headed to school. I was so miserable, and my poor friend Jared had been sick as well. We were mellow company. I slept ten minutes in Chemistry (teacher gave the okay!) and was feeling dead in fourth period during Computer Tech 2. When I walked outside I was AMAZED and my frown was turned upside down :) It was so sunny and warm. My dad and I had to go for a walk. We love walking together!!
Yesterday I worked at the Garden Center which was fun, and warm :p I had a fairly good time. I love the blooms there!! They make me happy and they smell divine. Today I was asked what my favorite part about working in a garden center was... The smell. There is just something about the smell of dirt with the mixture of flower fragrances. I love that smell like people love the smell of rain (I like rain too!).

These things are amazing! A lady in my ward recommended them to my mom to help with the vertigo. Well we bought them this morning, and after a couple minutes of wearing them I WAS NO LONGER MOTION SICK!!! Oh my GOSH!!! Seriously? I was so happy! I was able to work all day with just faint dizziness at the back of my attention. It has no magnets. The secret? Those white plastic things press on an acupuncter point that helps with motion sickness, EVEN for pregnant women! I was so impressed. When Mom and I were off work and driving home I took them off, one because Mom wanted to try one on, and two, to see how I'd feel. It didn't take long for me to start to feel sick in the car and really uncomfortable. I put the bands back on and poof! Just like magic the sickness vanished! WOW!! They are my new favorite thing! I highly recommend them to anyone.
I laugh at myself for how things have turned out. I've got to be the only human being on the planet that gets motion sick from walking. It makes me chuckle.
[Have you ever had a bizarre ailment that is suddenly cured by the unlikely?]
Yesterday I worked at the Garden Center which was fun, and warm :p I had a fairly good time. I love the blooms there!! They make me happy and they smell divine. Today I was asked what my favorite part about working in a garden center was... The smell. There is just something about the smell of dirt with the mixture of flower fragrances. I love that smell like people love the smell of rain (I like rain too!).
Pretty huh?
This is a forsithia, I love how yellow it is!
What a beautiful rose!
This is an aloe vera when it blossoms! So amazing! I never knew they bloomed...
One of two new orchids my sister bought.
This is both of the orchids! They're small compared to my grandpa's other plants. They're his prized possessions.
This is a BLACK petunia!! OMG!!! Can you say BEAUTIFUL!!!
Black petunias are my new favorite :]
I think this is a type of's one of the spanish ladies.
I'll have you know this is some of the Lantana I transplanted. Aren't you proud?
Got to love Mums!
I love the frilly pansies, though this picture took forever to take outside because of all the wind. It was so windy today! I swept a section outside...I think all that hard work has disappeared thanks to Mr. Wind.
This is the other new orchid...oh how I love orchids!!!
Such a fiery color! Took up the last shot on my memory card.
Calla lilies are one of my favorites.
Today was so busy, and so much fun. Holly and I were a great tag team and did loads of trays full of plugs. I stacked the trays, filled with dirt, and occasionally did the holes in the dirt. We were so fast and did lots!! What would she ever do without me?
Today Mom and I went to Wal-mart. We found a miracle item! It's called a Sea Band.
These things are amazing! A lady in my ward recommended them to my mom to help with the vertigo. Well we bought them this morning, and after a couple minutes of wearing them I WAS NO LONGER MOTION SICK!!! Oh my GOSH!!! Seriously? I was so happy! I was able to work all day with just faint dizziness at the back of my attention. It has no magnets. The secret? Those white plastic things press on an acupuncter point that helps with motion sickness, EVEN for pregnant women! I was so impressed. When Mom and I were off work and driving home I took them off, one because Mom wanted to try one on, and two, to see how I'd feel. It didn't take long for me to start to feel sick in the car and really uncomfortable. I put the bands back on and poof! Just like magic the sickness vanished! WOW!! They are my new favorite thing! I highly recommend them to anyone.
I laugh at myself for how things have turned out. I've got to be the only human being on the planet that gets motion sick from walking. It makes me chuckle.
[Have you ever had a bizarre ailment that is suddenly cured by the unlikely?]
Monday, March 28, 2011
Busy, Busy, Busy
I have been trying to post for several days now. The first couple I didn't because of more doctor appointments. The Balance Test I took last Friday was really interesting (definitely not what I was expecting), but drained all of my energy. I slept two and a half hours after it through two naps. I never thought it could tire me out so completely when all I did was sit, follow a dot with my eyes, and get warm and cold water pushed into my ears. It was definitely a strange experience. I have to go back to see them...again...
The past week we've had plenty of snow. I don't mind this snow so much. It never stays on the roads and melts really fast. In fact, it's my favorite type of snow. It's right when everything is turning green, buds are on trees, flowers explode in the ground, and color finally dots the world after a long and cold winter. I love having the snow just kiss the ground with its white softness in a gentle blanket. The cold bites, but it's beautiful from inside of a warm and toasty car or the comfort of a fire in your home. I took some pictures, but it's late and I wanted to post this as soon as I could.
This morning I woke up to no power, and a chirping smoke detector. An electrical pole less than a block south of us was on fire!!! They had a fire truck come and put it out. A couple feet on top of the pole broke and fell down to the ground. The power was out from at least 7 in the morning to about 4 in the afternoon. It was so crazy! I thought it was lightening (as there was a lightening storm last night), but it was actually a blown transformer which is why it affected our underground power lines. It was pretty intense.
Today I only had two class periods, but when I came home I was wiped out. It's ridiculous how this bizarreness with my head sucks the energy out of me faster than slurping up jello through a straw. Since the power was out I "attempted" to study for my Chemistry test tomorrow. I ended up taking about a 40 minute nap. I slept through Hope playing her violin (not hard to miss) and being called for lunch (basically the same room). I was really exhausted.
So today was intense, but it was interesting. I'm grateful for electricity. It's amazing how much our world revolves around electricity. You never think about it until you instinctively go to turn on a bathroom light or open the fridge to darkness. I'm very grateful for modern advances...and a gas fire place that requires no electricity to run on!
[What are you grateful for?]
The past week we've had plenty of snow. I don't mind this snow so much. It never stays on the roads and melts really fast. In fact, it's my favorite type of snow. It's right when everything is turning green, buds are on trees, flowers explode in the ground, and color finally dots the world after a long and cold winter. I love having the snow just kiss the ground with its white softness in a gentle blanket. The cold bites, but it's beautiful from inside of a warm and toasty car or the comfort of a fire in your home. I took some pictures, but it's late and I wanted to post this as soon as I could.
This morning I woke up to no power, and a chirping smoke detector. An electrical pole less than a block south of us was on fire!!! They had a fire truck come and put it out. A couple feet on top of the pole broke and fell down to the ground. The power was out from at least 7 in the morning to about 4 in the afternoon. It was so crazy! I thought it was lightening (as there was a lightening storm last night), but it was actually a blown transformer which is why it affected our underground power lines. It was pretty intense.
Today I only had two class periods, but when I came home I was wiped out. It's ridiculous how this bizarreness with my head sucks the energy out of me faster than slurping up jello through a straw. Since the power was out I "attempted" to study for my Chemistry test tomorrow. I ended up taking about a 40 minute nap. I slept through Hope playing her violin (not hard to miss) and being called for lunch (basically the same room). I was really exhausted.
So today was intense, but it was interesting. I'm grateful for electricity. It's amazing how much our world revolves around electricity. You never think about it until you instinctively go to turn on a bathroom light or open the fridge to darkness. I'm very grateful for modern advances...and a gas fire place that requires no electricity to run on!
[What are you grateful for?]
Friday, March 25, 2011
corgis singing happy birthday
Oh my goodness! I totally cracked up at the end. If this doesn't make you smile...then I feel very sorry for you and you probably just wasted 30 seconds of your life.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Quotables from the Little Mouth
One of my jobs is cleaning for a lady in my ward who has 8 children. I know what you're thinking "Whoa that's a lot of kids!!! Whoa can they handle it? Whoa Whoa Whoa!!!!!" Yes, I thought the very same thing when I first started working but my thought was more along the lines of, "WOW she really needs my help!"
When I first started to work for her (well over a year ago) she just had seven kids. The latest in the bunch was born last September and he is just a cutie pa-tootie!! He's all smiles :P
I do odd jobs for my employer, dishes, defrosting the freezer, laundry ALL the time, mopping the floor (this was the first time I ever used a mop and am proud to say I'm darn good), cleaning their "breeze way" (walkway between the garage and back door), vaccuming windowsills, cleaning her bathroom (thankfully I don't have to clean the boys bathrooms. Did I mention she only has one daughter?) bleaching out a bathroom we suspected had mold, once helped make Valentines, sweep the porch, clean the fridge, clean there craft room, vaccum, wash windows, watch the baby...and those are simply just to name a few.
Sometimes the work isn't my favorite, but I pull through it because she does need the help.
Anyway, her kids crack me up all the time. I just couldn't resist blogging about Minnie today! I wish I had a picture...perhaps I'll get one for you.
So Marintha is five years old. She goes by Minnie. She is sassy, contradictive, and highly intelligent. She has me cracking up all the time. When I first started working for the Hale's she always asked me "why?" to whatever it was I said, example:
"I can't play with you rigth now Minnie."
"Because I have to fold the laundry."
"Because it's my job."
"Because your mother told me to."
"Because if I don't you won't have clothes to wear."
"Because I won't have folded them."
I was rather irritated after a while, but clever old me turned it around on her and was asking her "Why?" with every statement she gave. She REALLY did not like that and eventually gave up doing that as I had outsmarted her!!! Yay for me!!
Now I was proud of that, but a couple weeks ago she outsmarted me! Oh my goodness!!! We were telling jokes to each other and I was doing all of the ones I knew she'd understand. She wanted me to make up a few, which I did, and she cracked up and made up a few of her own. For a while she was quiet while I waxed the cabinets in the kitchen until this conversation played over...
"Yes Minnie?"
"Will you remember me in...half a day?" very innocent voice, I should have known she was spinning a web to trap me! But no...she got me good.
"Yes Minnie."
"Yes Minnie?"
"Will you remember me in...a day?" once again she had the sweetest and most beseeching voice.
"Of course Minnie!" I say not paying too much attention to what she's getting at.
"Savannah?" she asked again!
"What Minnie?" by now I was smiling because this was rather cute.
"Will you remember me in 2 days?"
"Minnie," I turned to look at her by this point where she sat on her stool. "I promise I will remember you until I'm old." And it's true, Minnie isn't the type of girl you forget.
For a while it was quiet until she perked up again.
"Knock knock!"
"Who's there?" oh how didn't I see this coming?
"You forgot me ALREADY?" Oh sassy clever girl! It still makes me smile and chuckle. She is one smart cookie and she definitely keeps things interesting.
On to what happened today (I ramble too much sometimes) I was cleaning out the craft room for the second time, and it was honestly worse than the first time. I can happily say that we made HUGE progress and a considerable dent. It is rather frightening to go through other people's forgotten projects and, to be honest, junk, but there were some upsides to it. Minnie was really contradictive today and it was just a tich annoying.
Yesterday I had gone to Wal-mart to pick up cat food and litter after spending a fun afternoon with my sister Abby, whose birthday it was, and took Faith with me. I found a cute purse, but at the check-out I didn't have money. When I was home last night watching TV I realized I had change in my pocket I hadn't counted at the store and decided to count it to see. I DID have the money for the purse Argh! I'm so peeved with myself. The reason this adventure comes to play today is because I was telling Sister Hale about it. Minnie was with us and this is what happened.
"How much money did you have?" she's a curious one.
"I don't know."
"How much?" she is also persistence.
The total was around $42.87 and after taking off two items that I could live without, it was $37.42ish. I was being lazy and just didn't feel like explaining it to Minnie.
"I can't remember." I shrugged my shoulders.
"Savannah you should remember things better!" she exclaimed as if suggesting it would cure my forgetfulness.
Isn't she a doll? After that there were a couple more instances, but I only remember two more. I had found a bag of new and WHITE socks which are like gold at their house considering all the boys they have. They were of medium size and I was holding them in my hands.
"I could fit those!" Minnie spots them almost instantly.
"No they won't Minnie." I responded.
"Yes they will!" she's stubborn too.
"Here, I'll prove you wrong!" and I knew I was right.
"No, you'll prove I'm right!" what a silly girl.
I held the sock next to her foot and stretched it slightly so she could really see the difference.
"See! It will fit me!" by this point I was aggravated.
"No they won't." I told her blandly, "this part is supposed to be where your heel goes, but it doesn't fit."
"Put it on!" she demanded and sat down before sticking her foot in the air. Of course I knew I was right and humored her.
"See Minnie, I was right, you were wrong." Okay so maybe I shouldn't have been so blunt about it, but I wasn't in the mood for her to be so contradictive!
The other silly part I remember still has me giggling. Minnie came down with one of those ice-cream sample spoons.
"Mom I found this in Joshua's seat, can I have it?" Joshua is the baby. Sister Hale really dislikes her kids holding onto useless garbage, especially when we're trying to dejunk. She was about to say something, but I stepped in in hopes of getting Minnie to not want it.
"You do realize someone ate from that spoon and then Joshua sat on it, don't you?" I thought I had her good. I will never forget this part. She stepped further into the room and had a very manner-of-fact air about her and looked me dead straight in the eye with the most serious tone she's ever used.
"Savannah," she enounciated very acutely, "this is for an invention I'm having." She was rather snippy before she turned around and walked out of the room with her head held high as if I had insulted the spoon in a forbidden manner. I was taken aback but was starting to laugh.
Sister Hale and I looked at each other and quoted her at the same time right then and there.
Oh I love that family to bits! They're all so different and make my day (even if I sometimes dred going right after school).
I also want to give a shout out to my cousin whose birthday it is today! Happy Birthday Chris! He is on his mission in Latvia. He was going to BYU before and came over nearly every Sunday for dinner. He's such a wonderful guy and has the ability to get you giggling with a smile no matter what. He's truly one of a kind and I hope today was good for him!
Both of these good lookin' fellers are my cousins. The one of the left ISN'T Chris. That's Dan, he's been back for a while. The silly boy on the left in the green shirt is Chris and he's amazing.
Do you have anyone that just cracks you up and makes your day?
When I first started to work for her (well over a year ago) she just had seven kids. The latest in the bunch was born last September and he is just a cutie pa-tootie!! He's all smiles :P
I do odd jobs for my employer, dishes, defrosting the freezer, laundry ALL the time, mopping the floor (this was the first time I ever used a mop and am proud to say I'm darn good), cleaning their "breeze way" (walkway between the garage and back door), vaccuming windowsills, cleaning her bathroom (thankfully I don't have to clean the boys bathrooms. Did I mention she only has one daughter?) bleaching out a bathroom we suspected had mold, once helped make Valentines, sweep the porch, clean the fridge, clean there craft room, vaccum, wash windows, watch the baby...and those are simply just to name a few.
Sometimes the work isn't my favorite, but I pull through it because she does need the help.
Anyway, her kids crack me up all the time. I just couldn't resist blogging about Minnie today! I wish I had a picture...perhaps I'll get one for you.
So Marintha is five years old. She goes by Minnie. She is sassy, contradictive, and highly intelligent. She has me cracking up all the time. When I first started working for the Hale's she always asked me "why?" to whatever it was I said, example:
"I can't play with you rigth now Minnie."
"Because I have to fold the laundry."
"Because it's my job."
"Because your mother told me to."
"Because if I don't you won't have clothes to wear."
"Because I won't have folded them."
I was rather irritated after a while, but clever old me turned it around on her and was asking her "Why?" with every statement she gave. She REALLY did not like that and eventually gave up doing that as I had outsmarted her!!! Yay for me!!
Now I was proud of that, but a couple weeks ago she outsmarted me! Oh my goodness!!! We were telling jokes to each other and I was doing all of the ones I knew she'd understand. She wanted me to make up a few, which I did, and she cracked up and made up a few of her own. For a while she was quiet while I waxed the cabinets in the kitchen until this conversation played over...
"Yes Minnie?"
"Will you remember me in...half a day?" very innocent voice, I should have known she was spinning a web to trap me! But no...she got me good.
"Yes Minnie."
"Yes Minnie?"
"Will you remember me in...a day?" once again she had the sweetest and most beseeching voice.
"Of course Minnie!" I say not paying too much attention to what she's getting at.
"Savannah?" she asked again!
"What Minnie?" by now I was smiling because this was rather cute.
"Will you remember me in 2 days?"
"Minnie," I turned to look at her by this point where she sat on her stool. "I promise I will remember you until I'm old." And it's true, Minnie isn't the type of girl you forget.
For a while it was quiet until she perked up again.
"Knock knock!"
"Who's there?" oh how didn't I see this coming?
"You forgot me ALREADY?" Oh sassy clever girl! It still makes me smile and chuckle. She is one smart cookie and she definitely keeps things interesting.
On to what happened today (I ramble too much sometimes) I was cleaning out the craft room for the second time, and it was honestly worse than the first time. I can happily say that we made HUGE progress and a considerable dent. It is rather frightening to go through other people's forgotten projects and, to be honest, junk, but there were some upsides to it. Minnie was really contradictive today and it was just a tich annoying.
Yesterday I had gone to Wal-mart to pick up cat food and litter after spending a fun afternoon with my sister Abby, whose birthday it was, and took Faith with me. I found a cute purse, but at the check-out I didn't have money. When I was home last night watching TV I realized I had change in my pocket I hadn't counted at the store and decided to count it to see. I DID have the money for the purse Argh! I'm so peeved with myself. The reason this adventure comes to play today is because I was telling Sister Hale about it. Minnie was with us and this is what happened.
"How much money did you have?" she's a curious one.
"I don't know."
"How much?" she is also persistence.
The total was around $42.87 and after taking off two items that I could live without, it was $37.42ish. I was being lazy and just didn't feel like explaining it to Minnie.
"I can't remember." I shrugged my shoulders.
"Savannah you should remember things better!" she exclaimed as if suggesting it would cure my forgetfulness.
Isn't she a doll? After that there were a couple more instances, but I only remember two more. I had found a bag of new and WHITE socks which are like gold at their house considering all the boys they have. They were of medium size and I was holding them in my hands.
"I could fit those!" Minnie spots them almost instantly.
"No they won't Minnie." I responded.
"Yes they will!" she's stubborn too.
"Here, I'll prove you wrong!" and I knew I was right.
"No, you'll prove I'm right!" what a silly girl.
I held the sock next to her foot and stretched it slightly so she could really see the difference.
"See! It will fit me!" by this point I was aggravated.
"No they won't." I told her blandly, "this part is supposed to be where your heel goes, but it doesn't fit."
"Put it on!" she demanded and sat down before sticking her foot in the air. Of course I knew I was right and humored her.
"See Minnie, I was right, you were wrong." Okay so maybe I shouldn't have been so blunt about it, but I wasn't in the mood for her to be so contradictive!
The other silly part I remember still has me giggling. Minnie came down with one of those ice-cream sample spoons.
"Mom I found this in Joshua's seat, can I have it?" Joshua is the baby. Sister Hale really dislikes her kids holding onto useless garbage, especially when we're trying to dejunk. She was about to say something, but I stepped in in hopes of getting Minnie to not want it.
"You do realize someone ate from that spoon and then Joshua sat on it, don't you?" I thought I had her good. I will never forget this part. She stepped further into the room and had a very manner-of-fact air about her and looked me dead straight in the eye with the most serious tone she's ever used.
"Savannah," she enounciated very acutely, "this is for an invention I'm having." She was rather snippy before she turned around and walked out of the room with her head held high as if I had insulted the spoon in a forbidden manner. I was taken aback but was starting to laugh.
Sister Hale and I looked at each other and quoted her at the same time right then and there.
Oh I love that family to bits! They're all so different and make my day (even if I sometimes dred going right after school).
I also want to give a shout out to my cousin whose birthday it is today! Happy Birthday Chris! He is on his mission in Latvia. He was going to BYU before and came over nearly every Sunday for dinner. He's such a wonderful guy and has the ability to get you giggling with a smile no matter what. He's truly one of a kind and I hope today was good for him!
Both of these good lookin' fellers are my cousins. The one of the left ISN'T Chris. That's Dan, he's been back for a while. The silly boy on the left in the green shirt is Chris and he's amazing.
Do you have anyone that just cracks you up and makes your day?
Monday, March 21, 2011
Cookies and Paint
Friday, March 18, 2011
Round Two at the Doctors
Yesterday my wonderful mommy took me to see Doctor Ogden again as the symptoms have not gone away. Dr. Ogden was extremely puzzled as my bronchitis and the fluid in my ear have cleared up. She said the cured infection should've cured my dizziness. She had me do several tests: neurological, balance, and a hearing test. The neurological test went just fine, but there were two parts I failed with the others. With the balance one I could walk fine in the ways she asked me to, but when I had to stand still with my eyes closed I kept swaying and losing my balance. With the hearing test she used a tuning fork to see how well I could hear. The only part that was strange was when she placed it against the middle of my forehead and I could hear it much better in my right ear than in the second.
We talked to her and I explained all of my symptoms. She says she is completely lost and gave us a list of referals to ENT doctors (Ear, nose, and throat) to see if they can figure out what is wrong with me. She said if they send me back to her than we'll have to schedule and MRI and see if the problem lies in my brain. ...oh that makes me nervous...
On a much happier note I was able to go to work!!! It was so theraputic going and being around all of the happy flowers and the wonderful smell of a Cattaleya Orchid!! Oh how I needed that. I spent the afternoon banging trays before filling them with pots. I did so much!!! The perscription Dr. Ogden gave me seemed to help through the afternoon, but by the time we were leaving the dizziness was creeping back into my brain.
One of the side affects of Meclizine is being very tired or even dizzy. Wait! A side affect is being dizzy? Isn't that counter productive? >:[ I was rather bugged to see that, but so far it's lessened the dizziness. I can tell you right now that I've never been so exhausted in my life (at least not in the way I felt last night). I was practically asleep trying to eat my dinner. My mom finally told me to go take a nap and then finish dinner. I was out rather fast. Unfortunately my older sister Abby came home with Vanessa and Hope and decided to wake me up. :(
Let's hope today proves to be happier and more wonderful!
We talked to her and I explained all of my symptoms. She says she is completely lost and gave us a list of referals to ENT doctors (Ear, nose, and throat) to see if they can figure out what is wrong with me. She said if they send me back to her than we'll have to schedule and MRI and see if the problem lies in my brain. ...oh that makes me nervous...
On a much happier note I was able to go to work!!! It was so theraputic going and being around all of the happy flowers and the wonderful smell of a Cattaleya Orchid!! Oh how I needed that. I spent the afternoon banging trays before filling them with pots. I did so much!!! The perscription Dr. Ogden gave me seemed to help through the afternoon, but by the time we were leaving the dizziness was creeping back into my brain.
One of the side affects of Meclizine is being very tired or even dizzy. Wait! A side affect is being dizzy? Isn't that counter productive? >:[ I was rather bugged to see that, but so far it's lessened the dizziness. I can tell you right now that I've never been so exhausted in my life (at least not in the way I felt last night). I was practically asleep trying to eat my dinner. My mom finally told me to go take a nap and then finish dinner. I was out rather fast. Unfortunately my older sister Abby came home with Vanessa and Hope and decided to wake me up. :(
Let's hope today proves to be happier and more wonderful!
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
My most Favorite month!!!
First off all I'm going to say is I've got so much to blog about...yet I don't really feel much like it. If my laptop wasn't the old dinosaur it is, and if I had my own camera, then I would have loads of pictures to accompany my posts. Until I do get a camera, and hopefully a new'll just have to read about my life. I really do want to post pictures, but I don't have much readily available for myself.
March is by far my most FAVORITE month of the year. It has been for the past couple years, but this year it is especially my favorite. I will be so sad when March is over. I used to not like it (like how I didn't like Fridays as a child), but it's grown to be the month I'm most affectionate about. This past winter has been really tough on me, what with my car out of commission and it being too cold to do much work for my grandpa. January was tough, and February almost seemed worse. As soon as March 1st rolled around I knew I was okay. As it is, my car is fixed, I finally have my savings account WITH money in it, my bills are paid, and I have a steady income. I can just feel the stress melt from my bones like wax on a hot summer day.
Another thing with March is spring. The first flowers I see are crocus. They aren't my particular favorite, but after that awful winter it was very delightful to see their colorful faces. My most favorite spring flower is the daffodil!!! It's a happy yellow and brings so much color to the brown world. I'm very put out that my mother's daffodils haven't bloomed yet when I've seen quite a few around the city. I really REALLY!!!! want to have daffodils right out the window.
Today has been rather overcast, but that's how I like it. It's fun soaking in the sun, but an overcast/rainy day in March is so nostalgic for me and I love love love LOVE!!! dark and gloomy days. There's just something about them that makes me happy. I suppose that's because I live in Utah, and we don't get loads of rain in the first place, but I feel a special connection whenever it's rainy. Is that weird for me to say? Well if it is, too bad. There's just something magical about the rain that I feel addicted to.
My strange bout of dizziness has taken a strange turn, but it has been for the better. I was able to drive yesterday and get myself to school today. It was rather strange and I'm not sure if I'm up for driving around much further than my school and local hot spots. I'm not dizzy so much anymore, though it's still there, but I feel strange...I can't even describe it.
Well I expect to be writing again soon!
Riddle: the maker doesn't want it, the buyer doesn't need it, and the user never sees it...what is it?
March is by far my most FAVORITE month of the year. It has been for the past couple years, but this year it is especially my favorite. I will be so sad when March is over. I used to not like it (like how I didn't like Fridays as a child), but it's grown to be the month I'm most affectionate about. This past winter has been really tough on me, what with my car out of commission and it being too cold to do much work for my grandpa. January was tough, and February almost seemed worse. As soon as March 1st rolled around I knew I was okay. As it is, my car is fixed, I finally have my savings account WITH money in it, my bills are paid, and I have a steady income. I can just feel the stress melt from my bones like wax on a hot summer day.
Another thing with March is spring. The first flowers I see are crocus. They aren't my particular favorite, but after that awful winter it was very delightful to see their colorful faces. My most favorite spring flower is the daffodil!!! It's a happy yellow and brings so much color to the brown world. I'm very put out that my mother's daffodils haven't bloomed yet when I've seen quite a few around the city. I really REALLY!!!! want to have daffodils right out the window.
Today has been rather overcast, but that's how I like it. It's fun soaking in the sun, but an overcast/rainy day in March is so nostalgic for me and I love love love LOVE!!! dark and gloomy days. There's just something about them that makes me happy. I suppose that's because I live in Utah, and we don't get loads of rain in the first place, but I feel a special connection whenever it's rainy. Is that weird for me to say? Well if it is, too bad. There's just something magical about the rain that I feel addicted to.
My strange bout of dizziness has taken a strange turn, but it has been for the better. I was able to drive yesterday and get myself to school today. It was rather strange and I'm not sure if I'm up for driving around much further than my school and local hot spots. I'm not dizzy so much anymore, though it's still there, but I feel strange...I can't even describe it.
Well I expect to be writing again soon!
Riddle: the maker doesn't want it, the buyer doesn't need it, and the user never sees it...what is it?
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Sunshine and Daffodils
My goodness today has been unique! Dr. Ogden advised I stay home for two days and so I had to miss two tests and a project at school. I also have been dealing with the dizziness and today has been rather utterly boring. I've been home with nothing to do. I wrote a little and I read the ending in two books. I had a bowl of steamed broccoli for lunch and have eaten two apples.
I really have been trying to deal with this dizziness but it seems stubborn in its assault on my brain. I cleaned my room up a little and started some laundry.
It was such a beautiful day today with the sunshine and the warmth!!! I opened up almost all of the windows in the house and it was amazing. I completely loved it and I'm very glad that it was so wonderful despite me being so home bound. I also found one of the screens for our basement windows and fitted it in (except one stubborn corner). It has been positively LOVELY having the window open downstairs as it never really gets properly aired out.
Guess what else I did today? I saved a spider's life. As I was going to open the windows I pulled the blinds up really hard. Something black fell out. Ack!! Spider!!! Freaked me out!!! I stared at it as it just huddled on its spot on the floor. I thought "I need something big to squish it!" but after a moment I realized I just couldn't kill it. The guilt would've been too overwhelming. So I called Hope and she placed a jar over it (I had this horrible image of it jumping towards me in my head) and then I took it outside and set it free. I just can't kill things deliberately. It's just not my nature.
Later Dad had me get up and go to the store with him and the two little girls as a chance to breathe outside. It was good, except the part where it made my episodes worse and it was uncomfortable trying to not fall over.
I saw DAFFODILS!!! Oh how my soul was fed! It was such a wonderful sight and it made my day. The daffodils my mom planted haven't bloomed yet and I've really been wanting to see them show their glorious faces.
So today wasn't really a bad day, but it looks like I'm missing more school tomorrow. It's one thing to not have a car to use, but it's entirely different when you CAN'T drive. It's so hard having my wings clipped over this couple days.
Thank you God for the warm sun, green grass, and brilliantly yellow daffodils!!!
I really have been trying to deal with this dizziness but it seems stubborn in its assault on my brain. I cleaned my room up a little and started some laundry.
It was such a beautiful day today with the sunshine and the warmth!!! I opened up almost all of the windows in the house and it was amazing. I completely loved it and I'm very glad that it was so wonderful despite me being so home bound. I also found one of the screens for our basement windows and fitted it in (except one stubborn corner). It has been positively LOVELY having the window open downstairs as it never really gets properly aired out.
Guess what else I did today? I saved a spider's life. As I was going to open the windows I pulled the blinds up really hard. Something black fell out. Ack!! Spider!!! Freaked me out!!! I stared at it as it just huddled on its spot on the floor. I thought "I need something big to squish it!" but after a moment I realized I just couldn't kill it. The guilt would've been too overwhelming. So I called Hope and she placed a jar over it (I had this horrible image of it jumping towards me in my head) and then I took it outside and set it free. I just can't kill things deliberately. It's just not my nature.
Later Dad had me get up and go to the store with him and the two little girls as a chance to breathe outside. It was good, except the part where it made my episodes worse and it was uncomfortable trying to not fall over.
I saw DAFFODILS!!! Oh how my soul was fed! It was such a wonderful sight and it made my day. The daffodils my mom planted haven't bloomed yet and I've really been wanting to see them show their glorious faces.
So today wasn't really a bad day, but it looks like I'm missing more school tomorrow. It's one thing to not have a car to use, but it's entirely different when you CAN'T drive. It's so hard having my wings clipped over this couple days.
Thank you God for the warm sun, green grass, and brilliantly yellow daffodils!!!
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Doctor Visit
Last week I had a horrible infection in my throat but didn't think a whole lot about it. Last Tuesday I had taken some nasty cough syrup before I had to go to school. I was sitting in class and was fine until the end of first period. I started to get really dizzy. Second period rolled around and I was feeling really weird. It ended up fading away and I didn't think anything about it. I had to stay home from school both Thursday and Friday. Then on Saturday I pushed myself a little too much and had to stay home from church Sunday. Monday rolled around and around 3 o' clock I started to get dizzy again. It was bizarre. I was dizzy for 5 hours and then it faded away. Yesterday I woke up and around 9 o' clock I was dizzy and then it lasted all day.
My parents have wanted me to get some routine check-ups done before my insurance runs out and I'm glad the appointment was so close to these dizzy spells. Today I went to a place in Orem and Dr. Ogden asked a lot of questions that I can't even remember. She said my blood pressure is just fine but I have Bronchitis settling in my chest from last week. After a few tests (and being extremely dizzy) to see my response she said it was probably a middle ear problem. She said there was some fluid in my right ear that is probably contributing to the problem. I got some antibiotics for my Bronchitis.
Apparently I'm on house arrest for today and tomorrow to monitor me. Dr. Ogden said it's not normal for a 17 year old to have the symptoms I have. I agree with her. It's been really strange the past three days. I have the bouts of dizziness and after a really strong spell I'm plum exhausted and it's rather difficult to hold a conversation because I'm mentally winded.
When we got home (Dad, Hope, and I) I ate some lunch and then at 1 Mom, Dad, and Faith left before they told me to take a nap. I did. It was a wonderful 3 hour nap and I feel a little better even though the dizziness is attacking even as I type this.
So the upside of today: it's sunny, it's March, and I'm getting new lenses for my glasses!! I could never see properly with the perscription I had gotten about a year ago. Dad also rented Life as we Know it for me.
The downside of today: I love being home, but being specifically told to stay home is hard. I also will most likely not be able to go to school tomorrow and I can't afford to miss tomorrow as I have 2 tests and a project to finish for Monday. I also can't drive until I've had 24 hours free of being dizzy. My tummy hurts :(
So that was my weekend and today. I hope you are doing better than I am :)
My parents have wanted me to get some routine check-ups done before my insurance runs out and I'm glad the appointment was so close to these dizzy spells. Today I went to a place in Orem and Dr. Ogden asked a lot of questions that I can't even remember. She said my blood pressure is just fine but I have Bronchitis settling in my chest from last week. After a few tests (and being extremely dizzy) to see my response she said it was probably a middle ear problem. She said there was some fluid in my right ear that is probably contributing to the problem. I got some antibiotics for my Bronchitis.
Apparently I'm on house arrest for today and tomorrow to monitor me. Dr. Ogden said it's not normal for a 17 year old to have the symptoms I have. I agree with her. It's been really strange the past three days. I have the bouts of dizziness and after a really strong spell I'm plum exhausted and it's rather difficult to hold a conversation because I'm mentally winded.
When we got home (Dad, Hope, and I) I ate some lunch and then at 1 Mom, Dad, and Faith left before they told me to take a nap. I did. It was a wonderful 3 hour nap and I feel a little better even though the dizziness is attacking even as I type this.
So the upside of today: it's sunny, it's March, and I'm getting new lenses for my glasses!! I could never see properly with the perscription I had gotten about a year ago. Dad also rented Life as we Know it for me.
The downside of today: I love being home, but being specifically told to stay home is hard. I also will most likely not be able to go to school tomorrow and I can't afford to miss tomorrow as I have 2 tests and a project to finish for Monday. I also can't drive until I've had 24 hours free of being dizzy. My tummy hurts :(
So that was my weekend and today. I hope you are doing better than I am :)
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Is that a... goat???
Meet Meelee!! She is by far the cutest little creature I have ever met with four legs. Friday Lupita, one of the Spanish workers, had brought her in and I totally missed out! I saw some pictures that Abby had posted and thought "she's cute!", but that is nothing compared to actually seeing the little goaty and holding her. (I'm very grateful my mummy asked Lupita if she would bring Meelee during lunch) I hadn't thought she was that small, but when I saw her I was completely smitten! She has white spots on her back, much like Bambi, and her ears fold up at the end. She is absolutely adorable and was so theraputic yesterday.
Even as I type right now I'm still not feeling my best, but yesterday was worth the long hours and the eventual detraction I would have with my recovery. Meelee is a sweet heart and I wish I had more time to be with her. Unfortunately work was required and I couldn't afford to clock out for a little while to be with the sweet baby goat.
The story behind Meelee? Well she was born a few weeks ago to a mother who, sadly, did not want her. Meelee is apart of triplets and was the runt in the group. Her poor mother rejected her. Luckily for Meelee she's just so darn cute that her owner's began to bottle feed her. They're obviously doing something right as she is just like any other baby; making her messes and sleeping all the time. It's at moments like this when you have a cute baby animal in your arms that you realize you really want one of your own in the backyard. Naturally my parents would never go for it (and we don't have the necessary space anyway) so I'll just wait out the time by looking at cute pictures of Meelee!
Even though I'm sad I won't see her nearly as much as I'd love to, our own goat (at work) is pregnant and due soon! I hope she has cute babies and she's willing to share. I feel terrible admitting this, but I almost wish that our own mommy goat will reject one of her own babies so we can take care of it.
That actually happened several years ago when I was a really small child. My grandpa's goat did have a baby and didn't want him. We named him Sammy and he lived in our side yard while we bottle fed him. He died a few years ago and I was really sad. He was so cute and so much fun. I also remember the time that our neighbors (the Richards who basically had a mini-farm backyard) invited us over to watch the birth of their baby goat twins. It was really cool, and I love goats! Some people seriously dislike goat milk, but I think they're crazy, or perhaps I'm the crazy one for liking it! Now that I think about it and have had time to shpiel on goats, I really love them!! So cheers to goats and their wonderful personalities and uses!!
Oh, here's a thought: My grandpa has pidgeons and his pidgeons had a pidgeon. Still rather awkward looking and it lives on the ground considering there wasn't a natural nesting ground. Now, birds teach their babies to fly when they are big enough by jumping OUT of the nest. ... This baby is all ready bound on the ground, so how will he/she learn to fly? Just a thought.
Friday, March 4, 2011
Who I am
My name is Savannah Michelle, I was born on Easter Sunday almost 18 years ago and I can't hold off creating a blog any longer. I have two sisters who blog and I was originally going to start my own blog the day I graduated as sort of a kick off to my life... Right now I'm sick with a fluey cold and am stinkin' bored. So I've decided I won't put it off any longer as my fingers are itching to share my life!
For me family is just about everything in the world to me. They are my comfort and they make me laugh. My closest and most dearest friend is actually my oldest sister Holly. I love her dearly and it's rather ironic with our friendship. We had shared a room sporadically over the years and she was always wronchy. We didn't get along some of the time and she was always so bossy. I resented her greatly for that. It's funny though, the day she moved out (to our basement with some friends) it was like things were cool between us. At first it was rather slow through the years, but the past three years our friendship/sistership seemed to explode. We are as close as can be and even though we live 40 minutes apart it practically kills us not seeing each other as often as we'd like. Last year she and her husband (who's just such an amazing brother!!) invited me on a cruise. That. Was. Amazing!

Yes, we're pretty strange when we get together and eyebrows are always raised at us with the silly inside jokes we have going. She's completely my best friend and I'm so glad that we're sisters. I can just see us up in heaven, arms linked firmly, standing in front of Heavenly Father and adamently stating we've got to go down to earth as sisters!! The kicker part? We're 6 years apart. A little while ago Holly pointed out something rather unique about our birth years/birthdays. She was born in '87 and I was born in '93. Each time I hit a birthday with 7 in it, that same year she turns with a 3 in her age. It's pretty cool. Like last year I turned 17 and she turned 23. I hope that makes sense.
This isn't to say I don't love the rest of my family as much. No! I love them all dearly. My older brother (so glad my only brother wasn't younger than me!) is always a hoot. He has such an infectious laugh that really makes you laugh. It's always the best watching a movie with him because he makes the movie a gazillion times better! He also is a wonderful guy and I love having him come over on Sunday's.
My other older sister, Abby, is very interesting but I love her to bits all the same. She has become extremely...passionate (though that is an understatment) about how screwed up our government is. It's tiring at times, but now that I'm in a government class I can sort of see where she comes from. She also has developed a passion for guns and killing things, which I could never do, but I'm glad she's found some outlet for her anger ;) I just hope she never has a gun in hand when I tease her. Abby has always been the sister who has pushed me and encouraged me to reach my best and do what I love. She's such an amazing supporter and I love her dearly for that. We also have quirky moments that you just can't explain. We both have our faults and can easily get annoyed with one another fast, but we forgive the other even faster...usually.
Faith is a phenomenon all in herself. She's my kid sister right below me at 13. Oh. My. Flippin'. Goodness!!! She dances and moves like none other! I swear she got ALL the talent in the family. We are the most alike and I honestly love cuddling up next to her. Right now I'm blaming her for my reason for being sick as I'm sure it is her fault. My mom thinks it's because I empathize with her. Anyway, we hadn't shared a room at all until last year. She's a very tidy child, and I can be, but I knew if I didn't clean up my small corner than she'd take care of it for me. I really love having her around and I love being a big sister to her!
The last, but certainly not least, is Hopey-Dopey. No, she's not Dopey. She's the reason my name has turned into Nanna. For some reason she gets under my skin the most and I'll admit I know how to get under her skin too. Lately it's started to calm down and we've began to get along well, but there's a certain time of the month where I just can't stand her for some reason. According to my parents I don't hardly give her as much credit as she deserves, and they're probably right. She's extremely intelligent and she handles her crowds of friends so well. She has taken up the violin and also plays the piano. I'm rather jealous of that fact. She's very sweet though and now we're starting to understand each other a little more.
Mitch!! He's my my B.I.L!! He married my sister nearly a year and a half ago and he's quite the "stud". He actually put hit name in my phone as "TheStud:)" what a peanut! I never thought I'd be such good friends with whomever my sister married, but I'm nearly as tight with Mitch as I am with Holly, considering how much Holly is attached to Mitch at the hip. He's such a wonderful guy and I love having him around. It's like he was meant to be a part of our family all along. I truly hope that everyone else who joins the family will feel as comfortable as Mitch does with us.
Can you tell I love my family? I love my parents so much as well, but I'll save that for another post. My family truly is my world. Without them I'm not sure how I would be or live. I don't know what I did to deserve them, but they hold me together most of the time. I'm sure glad we're all together here in this icky world. Hopefully we can make our own changes to the world.
From the left: Hope, Abby, Holly, Mitch, Peter, Faith, and Me!! My parents are in the dad always wants to show just a tinsy bit of affection and Mom usually gives him a no. Check out her face!!
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