Sunday, April 10, 2011

Happy Birthday Eve to Me!

Canst you believe it? I'll be eighteen tomorrow! Oh my goodness! I can hardly believe it myself. Life seems to have just completely exploded lately and I'm lovin' it. Life is truly wonderful. I'm so grateful to my wonderful parents for the examples they have set for me to follow and how they are always pushing me to be my best and do what I want to do. My dad is the most wonderful person to talk to. I love taking walks with him and talking about serious things and life. He's always got a good perspective on things. Thank you Mom for being my mom and taking the effort to be involved in my life. Thank you so much for letting me grow at my own rate and pace and letting me come into my own on my own time without trying to push me ahead. You're such an inspiration with all that you do all the time and I honestly think you're super-woman.

I'm grateful to my siblings for all that they've done for me and all the support they've offered over the years. Thank you Holly for being my best friend and having those silly inside jokes that are really just so stupid...but are somehow hilarious because they're our inside jokes. You are always telling me I can do it. No matter what it is you believe in me and I'm so grateful for that. Thank you ever so much for being there for me and listening to all my woes.

Thank you Peter for being my only brother. Your teasing always makes me smile. You have a wonderful laugh and I'm grateful for your sense of humor. I'm so thankful you've put up with me and listening to me rant and stress over what to do when it comes to boys. I couldn't ask for a better brother. You always make me smile and I love it when you come over Sundays to be with the family when I'm sure you could be somewhere else.

Abby...where to begin? Remember when we were so excited to share a room because we got along so well? Remember when you had those conniving ideas that always got you into trouble? Well I'm going to apologize now for ratting you out! I don't know how often I did, just that sometimes I was the reason you got in trouble. You've always listened to me, especially the same complaints over and over. As annoying as you can be, I'm glad that I have you as a sister. Sometimes your faults are very irritable, but I know I'm not perfect either. I'm glad that we can always bounce back as friends after fighting or shouting at one another.

Faify!! My personality twin!!! ... okay maybe not quite a twin. I'm so glad we understand each other so well. It was rough sharing a room, but I suppose I understand you a little better now. I know you are talented, and I'm more glad than ever that you keep a humble attitude about it. Never forget God has blessed you and give credit to him. I love being your sister, and I'm so glad that your my kid sister so I get to tease on you. You're beautiful, I love you, and I'm glad you decided to come to our family.

Hope. Where to begin? I realized today that your the one thing that tries my patience above all, but at the same time you help me grow. I know there are some times I take you for granted and bully you around. I'm sorry. You're so smart, and even though I hate it when you manipulate people, I give kudos to you for being so successful with it. I'm glad your finally growing up more...and I'm glad I've grown up enough to look passed my impatience to see you as my little sister...and not my baby sister. You'll be so tall soon! I won't hardly be able to call you my little sister any longer!

Today I reflect on my family. They make my life. I love Sundays the most because most of us get together and reminisce some. We've got our problems, we've got our sorrows, but we've got each other. I just want to thank everyone in my life right now. I'm going to be an adult tomorrow, and I know I wouldn't be where I am today if it weren't for the people in my life and all they do and don't do for me.

I love where I live. I love God. Most of all, I love the gospel. Being a Mormon in these awful days is honestly a wonderful blessing. In a world so torn and distraught by war, hate, crime, lies, and selfishness I feel like I've got some refuge. I hope that all people can come to Christ and realize that we don't have to be alone, and we're not always lost to him. I was born in April, on Easter Sunday even nearly eighteen years ago.

I've just realized that my birthday does not belong to me...but to my family and those who care about me.

I'm thankful.

1 comment:

  1. I like this post a lot! I also like what you said about me :) It makes me feel special! I love you and Happy 18th Birthday! You are the best Nanna in the world!
