My name is Savannah Michelle, I was born on Easter Sunday almost 18 years ago and I can't hold off creating a blog any longer. I have two sisters who blog and I was originally going to start my own blog the day I graduated as sort of a kick off to my life... Right now I'm sick with a fluey cold and am stinkin' bored. So I've decided I won't put it off any longer as my fingers are itching to share my life!
For me family is just about everything in the world to me. They are my comfort and they make me laugh. My closest and most dearest friend is actually my oldest sister Holly. I love her dearly and it's rather ironic with our friendship. We had shared a room sporadically over the years and she was always wronchy. We didn't get along some of the time and she was always so bossy. I resented her greatly for that. It's funny though, the day she moved out (to our basement with some friends) it was like things were cool between us. At first it was rather slow through the years, but the past three years our friendship/sistership seemed to explode. We are as close as can be and even though we live 40 minutes apart it practically kills us not seeing each other as often as we'd like. Last year she and her husband (who's just such an amazing brother!!) invited me on a cruise. That. Was. Amazing!

Yes, we're pretty strange when we get together and eyebrows are always raised at us with the silly inside jokes we have going. She's completely my best friend and I'm so glad that we're sisters. I can just see us up in heaven, arms linked firmly, standing in front of Heavenly Father and adamently stating we've got to go down to earth as sisters!! The kicker part? We're 6 years apart. A little while ago Holly pointed out something rather unique about our birth years/birthdays. She was born in '87 and I was born in '93. Each time I hit a birthday with 7 in it, that same year she turns with a 3 in her age. It's pretty cool. Like last year I turned 17 and she turned 23. I hope that makes sense.
This isn't to say I don't love the rest of my family as much. No! I love them all dearly. My older brother (so glad my only brother wasn't younger than me!) is always a hoot. He has such an infectious laugh that really makes you laugh. It's always the best watching a movie with him because he makes the movie a gazillion times better! He also is a wonderful guy and I love having him come over on Sunday's.
My other older sister, Abby, is very interesting but I love her to bits all the same. She has become extremely...passionate (though that is an understatment) about how screwed up our government is. It's tiring at times, but now that I'm in a government class I can sort of see where she comes from. She also has developed a passion for guns and killing things, which I could never do, but I'm glad she's found some outlet for her anger ;) I just hope she never has a gun in hand when I tease her. Abby has always been the sister who has pushed me and encouraged me to reach my best and do what I love. She's such an amazing supporter and I love her dearly for that. We also have quirky moments that you just can't explain. We both have our faults and can easily get annoyed with one another fast, but we forgive the other even faster...usually.
Faith is a phenomenon all in herself. She's my kid sister right below me at 13. Oh. My. Flippin'. Goodness!!! She dances and moves like none other! I swear she got ALL the talent in the family. We are the most alike and I honestly love cuddling up next to her. Right now I'm blaming her for my reason for being sick as I'm sure it is her fault. My mom thinks it's because I empathize with her. Anyway, we hadn't shared a room at all until last year. She's a very tidy child, and I can be, but I knew if I didn't clean up my small corner than she'd take care of it for me. I really love having her around and I love being a big sister to her!
The last, but certainly not least, is Hopey-Dopey. No, she's not Dopey. She's the reason my name has turned into Nanna. For some reason she gets under my skin the most and I'll admit I know how to get under her skin too. Lately it's started to calm down and we've began to get along well, but there's a certain time of the month where I just can't stand her for some reason. According to my parents I don't hardly give her as much credit as she deserves, and they're probably right. She's extremely intelligent and she handles her crowds of friends so well. She has taken up the violin and also plays the piano. I'm rather jealous of that fact. She's very sweet though and now we're starting to understand each other a little more.
Mitch!! He's my my B.I.L!! He married my sister nearly a year and a half ago and he's quite the "stud". He actually put hit name in my phone as "TheStud:)" what a peanut! I never thought I'd be such good friends with whomever my sister married, but I'm nearly as tight with Mitch as I am with Holly, considering how much Holly is attached to Mitch at the hip. He's such a wonderful guy and I love having him around. It's like he was meant to be a part of our family all along. I truly hope that everyone else who joins the family will feel as comfortable as Mitch does with us.
Can you tell I love my family? I love my parents so much as well, but I'll save that for another post. My family truly is my world. Without them I'm not sure how I would be or live. I don't know what I did to deserve them, but they hold me together most of the time. I'm sure glad we're all together here in this icky world. Hopefully we can make our own changes to the world.
From the left: Hope, Abby, Holly, Mitch, Peter, Faith, and Me!! My parents are in the dad always wants to show just a tinsy bit of affection and Mom usually gives him a no. Check out her face!!
Hey I thought I was your favorite! I love you too!
ReplyDeleteI think its funny how you started this but I love it! <3 Faithy
Faith you never comment on mine ;) Jealous! Nanna you make me laugh!! I'm glad you finally bit the bullet and put a blog together!! Thanks for all the sweet things you said :) I feel all special now!! I'm excited to hang out at work tomorrow!!