Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Doctor Visit

Last week I had a horrible infection in my throat but didn't think a whole lot about it. Last Tuesday I had taken some nasty cough syrup before I had to go to school. I was sitting in class and was fine until the end of first period. I started to get really dizzy. Second period rolled around and I was feeling really weird. It ended up fading away and I didn't think anything about it. I had to stay home from school both Thursday and Friday. Then on Saturday I pushed myself a little too much and had to stay home from church Sunday. Monday rolled around and around 3 o' clock I started to get dizzy again. It was bizarre. I was dizzy for 5 hours and then it faded away. Yesterday I woke up and around 9 o' clock I was dizzy and then it lasted all day.
My parents have wanted me to get some routine check-ups done before my insurance runs out and I'm glad the appointment was so close to these dizzy spells. Today I went to a place in Orem and Dr. Ogden asked a lot of questions that I can't even remember. She said my blood pressure is just fine but I have Bronchitis settling in my chest from last week. After a few tests (and being extremely dizzy) to see my response she said it was probably a middle ear problem. She said there was some fluid in my right ear that is probably contributing to the problem. I got some antibiotics for my Bronchitis.
Apparently I'm on house arrest for today and tomorrow to monitor me. Dr. Ogden said it's not normal for a 17 year old to have the symptoms I have. I agree with her. It's been really strange the past three days. I have the bouts of dizziness and after a really strong spell I'm plum exhausted and it's rather difficult to hold a conversation because I'm mentally winded.
When we got home (Dad, Hope, and I) I ate some lunch and then at 1 Mom, Dad, and Faith left before they told me to take a nap. I did. It was a wonderful 3 hour nap and I feel a little better even though the dizziness is attacking even as I type this.
So the upside of today: it's sunny, it's March, and I'm getting new lenses for my glasses!! I could never see properly with the perscription I had gotten about a year ago. Dad also rented Life as we Know it for me.
The downside of today: I love being home, but being specifically told to stay home is hard. I also will most likely not be able to go to school tomorrow and I can't afford to miss tomorrow as I have 2 tests and a project to finish for Monday. I also can't drive until I've had 24 hours free of being dizzy. My tummy hurts :(

So that was my weekend and today. I hope you are doing better than I am :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry your sick and so dizzy!! Doctors are wonderful and I'm glad they are taking care of you!! I'm really glad my dizzy spells aren't nearly as bad as yours!! Feel better darling!
