One of my jobs is cleaning for a lady in my ward who has 8 children. I know what you're thinking "Whoa that's a lot of kids!!! Whoa can they handle it? Whoa Whoa Whoa!!!!!" Yes, I thought the very same thing when I first started working but my thought was more along the lines of, "WOW she really needs my help!"
When I first started to work for her (well over a year ago) she just had seven kids. The latest in the bunch was born last September and he is just a cutie pa-tootie!! He's all smiles :P
I do odd jobs for my employer, dishes, defrosting the freezer, laundry ALL the time, mopping the floor (this was the first time I ever used a mop and am proud to say I'm darn good), cleaning their "breeze way" (walkway between the garage and back door), vaccuming windowsills, cleaning her bathroom (thankfully I don't have to clean the boys bathrooms. Did I mention she only has one daughter?) bleaching out a bathroom we suspected had mold, once helped make Valentines, sweep the porch, clean the fridge, clean there craft room, vaccum, wash windows, watch the baby...and those are simply just to name a few.
Sometimes the work isn't my favorite, but I pull through it because she does need the help.
Anyway, her kids crack me up all the time. I just couldn't resist blogging about Minnie today! I wish I had a picture...perhaps I'll get one for you.
So Marintha is five years old. She goes by Minnie. She is sassy, contradictive, and highly intelligent. She has me cracking up all the time. When I first started working for the Hale's she always asked me "why?" to whatever it was I said, example:
"I can't play with you rigth now Minnie."
"Because I have to fold the laundry."
"Because it's my job."
"Because your mother told me to."
"Because if I don't you won't have clothes to wear."
"Because I won't have folded them."
I was rather irritated after a while, but clever old me turned it around on her and was asking her "Why?" with every statement she gave. She REALLY did not like that and eventually gave up doing that as I had outsmarted her!!! Yay for me!!
Now I was proud of that, but a couple weeks ago she outsmarted me! Oh my goodness!!! We were telling jokes to each other and I was doing all of the ones I knew she'd understand. She wanted me to make up a few, which I did, and she cracked up and made up a few of her own. For a while she was quiet while I waxed the cabinets in the kitchen until this conversation played over...
"Yes Minnie?"
"Will you remember me in...half a day?" very innocent voice, I should have known she was spinning a web to trap me! But no...she got me good.
"Yes Minnie."
"Yes Minnie?"
"Will you remember me in...a day?" once again she had the sweetest and most beseeching voice.
"Of course Minnie!" I say not paying too much attention to what she's getting at.
"Savannah?" she asked again!
"What Minnie?" by now I was smiling because this was rather cute.
"Will you remember me in 2 days?"
"Minnie," I turned to look at her by this point where she sat on her stool. "I promise I will remember you until I'm old." And it's true, Minnie isn't the type of girl you forget.
For a while it was quiet until she perked up again.
"Knock knock!"
"Who's there?" oh how didn't I see this coming?
"You forgot me ALREADY?" Oh sassy clever girl! It still makes me smile and chuckle. She is one smart cookie and she definitely keeps things interesting.
On to what happened today (I ramble too much sometimes) I was cleaning out the craft room for the second time, and it was honestly worse than the first time. I can happily say that we made HUGE progress and a considerable dent. It is rather frightening to go through other people's forgotten projects and, to be honest, junk, but there were some upsides to it. Minnie was really contradictive today and it was just a tich annoying.
Yesterday I had gone to Wal-mart to pick up cat food and litter after spending a fun afternoon with my sister Abby, whose birthday it was, and took Faith with me. I found a cute purse, but at the check-out I didn't have money. When I was home last night watching TV I realized I had change in my pocket I hadn't counted at the store and decided to count it to see. I DID have the money for the purse Argh! I'm so peeved with myself. The reason this adventure comes to play today is because I was telling Sister Hale about it. Minnie was with us and this is what happened.
"How much money did you have?" she's a curious one.
"I don't know."
"How much?" she is also persistence.
The total was around $42.87 and after taking off two items that I could live without, it was $37.42ish. I was being lazy and just didn't feel like explaining it to Minnie.
"I can't remember." I shrugged my shoulders.
"Savannah you should remember things better!" she exclaimed as if suggesting it would cure my forgetfulness.
Isn't she a doll? After that there were a couple more instances, but I only remember two more. I had found a bag of new and WHITE socks which are like gold at their house considering all the boys they have. They were of medium size and I was holding them in my hands.
"I could fit those!" Minnie spots them almost instantly.
"No they won't Minnie." I responded.
"Yes they will!" she's stubborn too.
"Here, I'll prove you wrong!" and I knew I was right.
"No, you'll prove I'm right!" what a silly girl.
I held the sock next to her foot and stretched it slightly so she could really see the difference.
"See! It will fit me!" by this point I was aggravated.
"No they won't." I told her blandly, "this part is supposed to be where your heel goes, but it doesn't fit."
"Put it on!" she demanded and sat down before sticking her foot in the air. Of course I knew I was right and humored her.
"See Minnie, I was right, you were wrong." Okay so maybe I shouldn't have been so blunt about it, but I wasn't in the mood for her to be so contradictive!
The other silly part I remember still has me giggling. Minnie came down with one of those ice-cream sample spoons.
"Mom I found this in Joshua's seat, can I have it?" Joshua is the baby. Sister Hale really dislikes her kids holding onto useless garbage, especially when we're trying to dejunk. She was about to say something, but I stepped in in hopes of getting Minnie to not want it.
"You do realize someone ate from that spoon and then Joshua sat on it, don't you?" I thought I had her good. I will never forget this part. She stepped further into the room and had a very manner-of-fact air about her and looked me dead straight in the eye with the most serious tone she's ever used.
"Savannah," she enounciated very acutely, "this is for an invention I'm having." She was rather snippy before she turned around and walked out of the room with her head held high as if I had insulted the spoon in a forbidden manner. I was taken aback but was starting to laugh.
Sister Hale and I looked at each other and quoted her at the same time right then and there.
Oh I love that family to bits! They're all so different and make my day (even if I sometimes dred going right after school).
I also want to give a shout out to my cousin whose birthday it is today! Happy Birthday Chris! He is on his mission in Latvia. He was going to BYU before and came over nearly every Sunday for dinner. He's such a wonderful guy and has the ability to get you giggling with a smile no matter what. He's truly one of a kind and I hope today was good for him!
Both of these good lookin' fellers are my cousins. The one of the left ISN'T Chris. That's Dan, he's been back for a while. The silly boy on the left in the green shirt is Chris and he's amazing.
Do you have anyone that just cracks you up and makes your day?
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