Saturday, January 7, 2012

1 Down 51 to Go

The first week of 2012 is over! Canst you believe it? I can, and I'm rather relieved. This Tuesday I start up my first official on-campus (though technically off campus) class. It is a very interesting thing to live each day only to realize how quickly they slip through your fingers and trail out behind you like well picked bones.

For my first week of 2012 I worked every day but was able to finally start jogging again. I walked Monday (which felt rather a bit like March) with my parents. I jogged Tuesday with my mom and older sister at the local high school track. Then Wednesday after work I went running with my sister and today after work I went for a half an hour run. The first of the week was beautiful, warm, and really bizarre. Then this morning we woke up to about three inches of snow. Driving to work was terrifying but taking my run was an incredible thing to behold. It was as though I was existing in a snow globe. There were light snow flakes drifting lazily to the ground and the silence that a snow brings just completed the effect. All in all it was wonderful. Right now I'm really feeling the runner's high, and other side affects. I had shin splints up until today, but now my calves are sore from the run I had today. Ah well, to be healthy and in shape is worth it!

As a side note I had my angels looking out for me today. I was driving on the freeway to my grandparents and turned on my signal to merge into the middle lane. Apparently a SUV had the same idea and we merged at the same time. I was able to stay calm and correct the mistake without over-correcting and getting mushed up between other cars and the barrier. God was wonderful to me today. I feel terrible for that SUV driver. They obviously were only worried about their end destination and didn't realize the scrapes they were avoiding. One day that will catch up to them, and I hope they repent. It's always such a shame when people grow so self-absorbed by where they need to be and what they want that they disregard the importance of the people around them.

If human kind could do away with the selfish tendancies stitched into their hearts, then our world would be swept clean. All the bad and hurtful things that happen to us in the world by way of the influence of others is all linked to selfish desires.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Years (plus a little Whoops)

Well I haven't been here for a while. Guess life became too much to remember I have a blog. That's all right. I've been trying to find the ever fine balance between physical health, emotional stability, and spiritual peace. I started a new job, I'm taking Music 1010 for the Spring semester, and I've finally found peace in my dating life.

There was one particular guy I had really liked. I mean, this was the first guy I could see myself happy with. We went on a date, and even though the date was fun, I just didn't feel it. I realized then that now just isn't the time. I'm young and alive! I have so much more to do before I get married. Even though I was (and still am) on a marriage high I know that for now I get to just be myself.

Between my mom and I (mostly my mother, bless her wonderful heart), I decided to take one class this semester to dip my feet in the water without really having to get wet. At first it would be an English class online, but those were full. The other two classes that were open conflicted with my work schedule. So I pulled out my nifty piece of paper that has a rundown of the credits I need. Glancing over this paper makes going to College look so EASY! I know I waited until the last minute to sign up for a class and that was probably why it took several tries to find a class with an opening.

I want to be an elementary teacher. In order to do that I need one Fine Arts credit. Music 1010 was open. To be honest I love music. I don't love like others do, but the love I feel for it is plenty for me and I'm content with that. I'm no music buff or expert on the classics, but I do know what sounds good and what doesn't.

I'm very eager to start this class. College will be different, but it will be a good different. I think my only New Year's Resolution will be to write at least once a week here...for a month. We'll see how that goes :)

Actually that is a lie. I have two resolutions. My wonderful baby sister gave me exactly what I wanted for Christmas. Belle et le Béte. It's a revision of the original Beauty and the Beast, and I could only find it in French. So equipped with a French to English dictionary, my iPad and the ever convient online translator, plus a spiral notebook and pen, I think I can actually successfully read a book in March? I'll try to keep you updated on that front :)

Happy New Years

Friday, September 16, 2011

Weekend with the Boys

So Holly and Mitch are in St. George for the weekend and I am dog sitting their two miniature American Eskimos. Jake and Cezar. It is the first time I have been alone all night in a house. I wouldn't be doing this unless I knew Jake. Jake will kill anything that intrudes into the house. He is a very protective dog and I have no problem with him protecting me. Not to mention Mitch showed me how to use his gun, so I feel pretty safe.

So far I got here from work early. It's been raining all afternoon. I took a lovely shower and left the boys outside for fifteen minutes. Then I made tomato soup while they ate their dinner, and now we are enjoying some tv. It is truly interesting so far. They are cute monkeys. This morning Cezar cuddled, and now Jake is desperate for attention. Now we will have a fun night and tomorrow we are going to have more fun.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Flavors of Fall

What a great season we are coming to! Everything about Fall is so wonderful. The crisp smell, the canning, the longer nights, the fresh local food, the recipes, and PEACHES!!! Oh how I adore peaches :) they are an absolute favorite of mine. Last year I really developed a taste for them and my own mother is trying to bridle my crave. Aren't mothers supposed to rejoice when their child wants to pig out on healthy food rather then processed junk? That's what I thought! But no! Sheesh!

So last week my wonderful mummy bought two boxes of peaches from a stand she found last year. They have the BEST peaches EVER! The variety is called Coral Star and they are positively massive and delicious. Usually large fruits or vegetables lose flavor when they get large, but not these beauties. One peach is bigger than my hand (granted I have itty bitty hands, but still)!

I ate three peaches yesterday and had Mom bring me one for lunch today. I wanted two for lunch, but she said no to that. Ah well! Since today is Labor Day the banks a closed. That bugged me a little. I wanted to cash my check, but I guess I'll have to wait until tomorrow. So I asked my mum if she would give me a "peach loan" until tomorrow. I bought my own box of peaches!! Yay me! And yes, I can eat that many. Holly said that it would gives me the squirts, and so I told her at least then I would know my body isn't backed up ^^

Oh Fall is a delightful season, but so a the other seasons. I love all four of them. I am so grateful to live in Utah where I get hot summers and cold winters. I get snow, and I get sunburns. Utah is so unpredictable that I love it! Since I love every season I get to be even happier all the time. My momma says that people who only like one season aren't nearly as happy as they are satisfied with only 1/4 of the year. I think she's right. We should all learn to love and appreciate the seasons and what they bring.

[what do you love about fall?]

Sunday, August 28, 2011

An Attitude of Gratitude

This past week has been probably the most interesting of my summer so far. As things have happened I've had to take a step back and I realized that even though some of the less-then-lovely things were unpleasant, I still needed to acknowledge a thankfulness towards them. So many people in our world hardly ever are grateful for even the good things in life. Whether or not you see the glass as half full or half empty is completely unrelevant to gratitude. When you think about gratitude you automatically think of the good things in your life that you express thankfulness for. For Americans we have a holiday set specifically aside just for giving thanks.

Being grateful is not just about the good things, but the bad as well. In my opinion one of the greatest sins is ingratitude. If we were grateful for all things, even if they are seemingly not in our favor, then we would have a more humble attitude and we would be able to help others out because we could acknowledge that their situation is worse then ours and we'd want to help them.

So for this past week I want to express my gratitude for all the good that happened and everything that didn't seem to be working in my favor.

My poor cat Desert who is nine years old (I have had him half of my life) had some health complications and I was afraid I was going to lose him.
-thank you for emergency vet clinics
-thank you for all the time I've been able to spend with him
-thank you for my caring family
-thank you for his steady improvement the last couple days

Friday I went to UVU with my dear friend Sara so we could figure out our books, finances, and where our classes were. For the past couple months I was under the impression I was awarded a grant from FAFSA only to find out it was an unsubsidized loan. So I'm not going to school this semester.
-thank you for all the stress I won't have with grades, scraping for money, and driving in the snow
-thank you for letting me cancel the loan so easily and drop my classes without a hitch
-thank you for the shady parking and the very little wait
-thank you for being around for the next semester so that I will be able to go

Yesterday I went in to work for a couple hours to help out and then came out to Pleasant Grove to be with my sister since her husband is backpacking with some buddies.
-thank you for air conditioned cars
-thank you for jalepano cheetos
-thank you for Holly and her sweet doggies
-thank you for her amazing king bed

It was a pretty crazy week, but I have been able to survive and I got some perspective. We can all use some perspective in our lives. I'm upset I can't attend school this fall but the relief that came was a blessing by itself. I was terrified I'd have to say goodbye to my cat this week, but he is on the mend thanks to the dedication of my family and a family friend. I normally wouldn't have even had so much cuddle time with him before.

Whether you make lemonade with the lemons life gives you is up to you. Whether or not you do you should still be grateful for those lemons as it means that God is just going on ahead and trying to refine you to the best you can be.

[What are you grateful for?]

Monday, August 22, 2011

O to be Wise!

Two Wednesdays ago I got my wisdom teeth out. This was something I had been dreading since I was ten or eleven. Every time I went to the dentist they said I needed to get my wisdom teeth out that summer. We couldn't really afford it because we didn't have the insurance to cover it and without insurance it can be pretty expensive. My wisdom teeth never bothered me, at least that I could tell.

I went in Wednesday morning feeling more nervous about the IV I'd get then anything else. I don't particlarly like having needles stuck in me. It isn't the pain that I dread, but the thought that there isnsomething in my body creating a path so they can put stuff in my blood. We were waiting almost forty minutes before they took me back. Once in the room they were talking to me and my mom. He said that they were going to use the IVfor sedation (which is what I wanted) and that after the IV I wouldn't remember anything. They gave me laughing gave and strapped my arms to the chair before sticking the needle in.

After that my mom left and I did start to go out of it, but then something happened. I woke up! that was another thing I was afraid of, but everyone says that is silly since people don't usually wakeup with sedation. Well I did! I could feel the pain as they were taking out my bottom right tooth and I started to hyperventilate and cry. I asked for my mom and they finally got her.

Normally they don't let people back there because it is a gruesome surgery, but I needed my mommy! They numbed me up some more and kept working. My mom asked if i was okay. The dentist assured her that I was out of it and wouldn't remember anything anyway after the sedation wore off. Liar! I watched them with their nasty tools and bloody fingers. They told me I needed to breathe through my nose, but how could I when I'd choke on the blood in my mouth?

All in all it wasn't what I expected. He gave me a prescription for percocet and ibuprofen. I was in a lot of pain and was lucky enough to discover that my body really can't handle percocet. I suppose that is a good thing though as I won't really have to worry about getting addicted to it. When took it it did something horribly unpleasant to my body. I had to lie down and there wasn't any desire to do anything but breathe, and I barely wanted to do that.

All in all I wasn't expecting how all of that panned out. Lots of people get it off easy, but I was aware for it. I guess that's a good thing too. My dad called it hyperconsciousness or something like that.

Have you ever had an experience that was different from what you expected?

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Tip of the Iceberg

It's 3:43...3:44 in the morning and I'm awake. Why? Probably because I spent most of the day sleeping on my way home from a short vacation with my family up in Yellowstone National Park. It was definitely a much needed vacation, but at the same time it seems like it was too much even though we left Thursday and got back Saturday.

The reason I'm awake, or at least one of them, is simply because I've been contemplating life some. Both my older sisters have been bugging me about posting because I haven't the past couple months. My excuse? Not enough time, but the real reason was the hassle. I absolutely love reading my older sister's blog as it helps to keep me updated on her life. I love how she toys around with the tools and settings and always has a picture up there. I wanted to do something of the same, but I realized this morning (in the ridiculous hour) that I'm not her. Pictures are Holly's thing, and for me, I have my words. I'm sorry for all you visual folks, but until posting pictures is less of a chore for me I'm just going to give you my words.

Now back to my contemplation of life. The past month I have been out of commission, or it's coming up on a month. I was very under the weather with my dizziness and ended up missing a whole week of work. I felt guilty about that, but this is the right time as they needed to cut back hours anyway with the stupid road construction. Basically I was surviving.

Last week or so ago I was going to a friends house because I was sick of being at home the whole time. W were having a "Leggo my Eggo" party. Before I was going I was texting my friend. He asked how I was doing and I told him I was surviving. He texted back "surviving? You mean you aren't thriving?" what a way to put it! I wasn't thriving, in fact I was in a rut.

Isn't life about moving up? Isn't it about caring for others and putting thoughts of yourself aside and going forward to make the world a better place and grasp each opportunity that comes your way?

Last Wednesday I also got my Wisdom teeth out, double whammy! I also discovered that the sedation didn't work on me and my body does not like percocet. Though I'll save that interesting experience for an entirely different time.

Remember being a kid and having your friends and grown-ups ask you what you want to be when you grow up? We all gave typical answers; fireman, veterinarian, doctor, etc. Well for me I want to be a teacher and I'm at the stage in my life where I get to make those decisions and go forward to become that. Though I'm a little upset because not a single person has asked me why I want to be a teacher.

"Savannah, why do you want to be a teacher?"

Let me tell you.

I want to be a teacher because I am ready to make a difference in the world. I have thought about other career options and nothing even came close to how I wanted to spend the rest of my life. I want to be in a job that I love and that I'm good at.

I was surprised one night when I was out with my friends after an FHE activity. My sweet friend Amity looked at me and asked if I was going to be a teacher. I don't recall ever mentioning it to her. She said that I would be really good at it, and I think she is right.

Many people, both great and not-so-great have all said that our future rests on our children. They are the ones in fifty years making the decision to go to war, to raise the gas price, to kill innocent civilians in other countries, and to make peace with each other. Don't you think our biggest investment should be in them rather then us in the now? Well that's my belief. If I can help a seven or eight year old understand what is morally right and wrong and to never give up on your beliefs, then isn't that worth my time?

Kids are smart and we hardly ever give them credit. They observe and understand so much more than we can ever know. We need to support them and believe in them if we ever hope to see our world become a better place. It all starts with one child.

The road ahead of me is scary and big. I have to be a grown up now. I don't like change and I don't like pain, but I've decided I can do this for them, the children, and not for me. As long as I know what I need to do for them, then I believe I can do anything to make it happen.

Do you know what you're supposed to do in your life? I do, or at least this is what I need to be doing now. It might change in a year, or five years, or it could change tomorrow. Whatever happens I put my faith in God; where do you put yours?

Are you just surviving? Well figure out what you feel you need to do, and then let yourself thrive!

It's 4:06 om the morning. I have missed church for a month. I will not miss tomorrow. So I better get some sleep if I plan to focus :) look for more posts. Now that I understand pictures just aren't my thing I'll be more regular and very wordy, so please bear with me!!