Yesterday my wonderful mommy took me to see Doctor Ogden again as the symptoms have not gone away. Dr. Ogden was extremely puzzled as my bronchitis and the fluid in my ear have cleared up. She said the cured infection should've cured my dizziness. She had me do several tests: neurological, balance, and a hearing test. The neurological test went just fine, but there were two parts I failed with the others. With the balance one I could walk fine in the ways she asked me to, but when I had to stand still with my eyes closed I kept swaying and losing my balance. With the hearing test she used a tuning fork to see how well I could hear. The only part that was strange was when she placed it against the middle of my forehead and I could hear it much better in my right ear than in the second.
We talked to her and I explained all of my symptoms. She says she is completely lost and gave us a list of referals to ENT doctors (Ear, nose, and throat) to see if they can figure out what is wrong with me. She said if they send me back to her than we'll have to schedule and MRI and see if the problem lies in my brain. ...oh that makes me nervous...
On a much happier note I was able to go to work!!! It was so theraputic going and being around all of the happy flowers and the wonderful smell of a Cattaleya Orchid!! Oh how I needed that. I spent the afternoon banging trays before filling them with pots. I did so much!!! The perscription Dr. Ogden gave me seemed to help through the afternoon, but by the time we were leaving the dizziness was creeping back into my brain.
One of the side affects of Meclizine is being very tired or even dizzy. Wait! A side affect is being dizzy? Isn't that counter productive? >:[ I was rather bugged to see that, but so far it's lessened the dizziness. I can tell you right now that I've never been so exhausted in my life (at least not in the way I felt last night). I was practically asleep trying to eat my dinner. My mom finally told me to go take a nap and then finish dinner. I was out rather fast. Unfortunately my older sister Abby came home with Vanessa and Hope and decided to wake me up. :(
Let's hope today proves to be happier and more wonderful!
maybe its like a negative plus a negative equals a positive?! I hope today was much better! Thanks again for the excellent work you did! It made my day run a million times smoother! xoxo